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T W A U ... The's Gem.....untitled Will Love It!

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ToraToraTora | 17:51 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers

Q: Which leader was exiled to Islands in the Mediterranian and the South Atlantic?

A: Tony Blair!




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Hope springs eternal....

.... sentenced for War Crimes no doubt 😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  

Couple that with this question for a Chaser that is a Chelsea fan.

Which club did Ken Bates sell? Chelsea.

What a joke.

There was another question to the same contestant, something like what is the brightest light at night beside the moon?  She answered The Sun. ( yes at night)...  l think the answer was Venus.

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yeah saw that smurf that was the very next question after this one! I thought I'd let that go as the Blair one was better.

Was it Napoleon?

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19:19 yes but the answer is irrelevant.

Surely the 'modern amswer' ought to be Prince Andrew...however, if it was the Big Toe, did Cherie go with him? Don't think that there are too many flats in St. Helena?

Just seen a re run of an old episode of The Chase.How does Jenny Ryan know the answers to questions about films no one else has ever heard of.

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... for example?

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....untitled Will Love It!

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