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Guess Where Hassan Nasrallah Was When He Was Liquidated?

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ToraToraTora | 14:07 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

Yep on BBC news at 14:00 it announced that he was in a secure area underneath a civillian area. ....and they wonder why there is collateral damage. What gutless cowards they are.

"After warning residents to evacuate, the army said it targeted locations including weapons production facilities and storage sites that, it said, were under civilian housing. "



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They seem to make a habit of it.

"he was in an insecure area", surely.

If it was THAT secure he wouldn't now be minced morsels.

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it's what they said on the news dougie.

Yes, I know, just trying to lighten the mood.

I don't know if anyone saw the missile strikes on the news earlier, but the huge explosions seem to indicate that amunition had been blown up. I don't think the IDF is concerned about collateral damage. In their eyes, everyone is a Hamas fighter, a Hamas sympathiser or Hamas in waiting - children, so they're all gonna gerrit.

Gutless cowards, murdering scum, you do love your unpleasant epithets don't you.  They don't actually improve your case though.

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14:44 so sorry to diss your hereos canary.

on the jarn?

oh no - do tell... he was beneath ( they say) a childrens hospital and the IDF fearless and  defensively flattened all layers above ground and all the little terrorists in it ( and a few hanging around)

no? it was someone else then

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PP can you go and play with the traffic, stop following me around posting your BS.

Well I never thought he'd be on a hill, waving his hands in the air, with a target on his chest.

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Guess Where Hassan Nasrallah Was When He Was Liquidated?

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