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Labour Mp Knocking On Doors In New Hampshire

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webbo3 | 13:24 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | News
22 Answers

What is she doing in America/

The left have been banging on about Nigel Farage and Clacton.



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She says she's trying to stop Trump winning! She's probably having the reverse effect!

And the reaction there must be who??

May as well send a congressman or 2 here to campaign for Labour. 

I presume she was doing it for fun.

Possibly combining her work with a study on the autumnal colours as leaves lose their ultra-left green identity for more centre-left reds and yellows.

Any suggestion that this is simply a funded holiday should be completely ignored as right-wing jealousy at not having thought of it first.

What the heck is a British politician doing trying to control American politics ? She wouldn't want them meddling here.

the sign says salem ,,so she is in the right place

OG, in response to a thread about Nigel Farage making several trips to the US including attending the Republican Convention, you posted, "Furthering his own interests, or concentrating on our nation's interests ? Each MP decides for themselves how much of their time to allocate to each task."

I've driven through Salem (c.1999) - it was an experience.

It is important on AB to trawl the media to find things to knock Labour.

They deserve all the knocking they get Perseverer,i thought they would be a new broom,but no,they are worse than the Tories or the SNP even.

Your point being, Corby ?


What national interest is Ruth achieving ? Or what personal interest ? Is she a party leader acting as ambassador to another country; which may well explain things if she is ?

You made no mention of Farage being a party leader or an ambassador in your original post but nice try.

Some years ago the Observer, or maybe the Guardian, encouraged their readers to write to American voters urging them to vote for the Democratic candidate.

I think most replies would have told the trans-Atlantic canvassers to mind their own business.

I had no need to. I didn't mention I had kippers for breakfast either.  Nor that the back lawn needed mowing.

Are you out in your stout walking boots?

Who was the Tory lady MP who set off on her own mission to Israel some years ago?

Salem's in Massachusetts, not New Hampshire.

There's also a Salem in New Hampshire.

Ruth is an unknown labour MP. She's not a Farage-type show-off. Just a lass on holiday. Are the right scared of her?

And a Salem in Oregon if anyone cares.


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