Is the future Female? in The AnswerBank: People & Places
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Is the future Female?

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poppyj | 17:04 Mon 21st Oct 2002 | People & Places
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I doubt it ....the blokes always seem to get their way in the end even if it is with the guidance and thinking of a woman behind their sucesses,but they would never admit it in a million.
I don't know the answer but i truly hope it is. Men have had a domination in power from cave dwelling times right through to modern civilisation and hardly made a good job of running the show with pollution, corruption, enviromental disasters, hunger and famine, and inequity of the wealth in the world both monetary and resources and i think we can say men should stand aside and give women a chance to run the show for oh say a couple of hundred years to see if a (generally) more compassionate, thoughtful, kind and sharing view of the world wouldn't be better running the show. Just my thoughts on the matter, humble though they may be.
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After years of observation, I have come to the sad conclusion that it is the aggressive, ruthless, selfish people who rise to the top. As there are perhaps more men that fit this profile than women then it is mainly men who rule. I suspect that more women are now becoming "successful" because a greater proportion are becoming aggressive, ruthless and selfish.
NO. They can't concentrate because they are choosing what to wear and which lipstick is best. ?
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Paul thank you for such a reasoned, balanced and well thought out arguement. Medieval misogeny just like that is what's needed too prove your point.

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Is the future Female?

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