I am completely against the honours system in this country because it rewards people for just doing their jobs for which they already get paid. And if so called celebrities do charity work outside of what they are famous for (a la Jimmy Saville.......other celebrities are available!) they dont deserve any special treatment either because they can afford the time away from their so called 'day job'. But if a so called 'ordinary person' does good works after they have done their full time job then that is a matter for their own conscience and I don't think they should be honoured by the government either because they are doing what they want to do and no-one has forced them to do this. I, personally, salute those who give their time freely to help out but I think they should be honoured by those that they have helped, because I am assuming that they help just to help, and not to have a medal pinned on their chest by an elderly lady in London.