Don't want to pis5 on your bonfire but 1 hectare is 1000msquared which is vastly bibber than 1 football pitch. OSR would yeild a maximum of 5ton/hectare and that's only on the most fertile land. Farmers can get anything fron �150/ton to �200/ton. The crop requires a large amount of nitrogen (�120+/ton) plus other nutrients (P, K, and S). It also has a very high pesticide requirement. Due to high fuel costs and labour costs, sowing the crop isn't cheap, nor is harvesting, drying ( needs to be less than 10% moisture), transportation and storage. I can't put a price on want the farmer gets at the end of the day but it isn't as high as you would believe. It is grown in a crop rotation as a break crop (meaning you can use different pesticides than you would with a corn based crop) and helps spread the harvest. OSR is a crop that encourages beneficial insects like the bumble bee. Don't think i've miss too much out, hope it helps.