Crosswords75 mins ago
What the Rest of the World Think of us!
Following a drunken ramble between myself and hubby at the weekend I was wondering what do other countries think of us Brits? Seems there are plenty of opinions about what a God awful country it is, immigration laws, Royal family, rainy weather, crap TV.... anything! But what do other nations think about this country and it's government?
Also, if I was to go to France, Germany, Spain, Greece, or any other European country where it is not touristy, would I notice a big change in the amount ethnic minorities?
PS I am not saying any of these views are my own!
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.People who have never been to Britain regularly tell me about the bad food and the bad weather.
However, I took two colleagues on a tour of the south once for a week, and on day two they sent a postcard to another colleague that said:
We don't know where Bohne has taken us, but it cannot be Britain.
The food is great and we got sunburnt.
I could ramble on like a "grumpy old man" about how the education system fails the country's youth or how the NHS is nowhere near to the standard of "proper" countries like France or Germany,or numerous other shortcomings.
It saddens me to say so, but this is a dying nation - certainly not a country to be proud of any more
Better not talk about the German Health system being better than the British until you know the details and facts...
You should hear German people bitch.
Well I pay a fortune for health insurance, still every quarter I pay my doctor 10 Euro, for which I get nothing (just the privilige of being seen), and then I have to pay a certain amount on prescriptions.
Ususally I don't go to the doctors too often, but being pregnant I don't have much of a choice.
On top of that, have you heard about the strike of German doctors, which leaves cancer and tumour patients (just amongst others) waiting for their treatment?
Do you still call us a PROPER country??
There's a hell of a lot more things seriously wrong with the UK without even mentioning the NHS - why is it known as the "yob capital" of Europe, the education systen allows such poor standards, the actual government is so dishonest, corrupt and incompetent, the transport system, the Home Office, compensation culture, Big Brother, John Prescott.........argh, I had better stop there as my blood pressure mounts dangerously!!
My ex husband is French and tried it on, on a first date, because he and his friends had got used to English girls being 'easy'. He also finds the dypsomaniac pub culture bizarre, where it seems many lads adore the 'pint and punch' up lifestyle.
The UK is not that bad though. I wouldn't want to run my own business in France, as I do here, and don't get me started on French plumbers and electricians. Aagh!! They are so frustrating!!!
The bad things Iv herd are .. blan food, gray skys lots of the time, bad, aweful drivers.
The good things- very fun/nice people, great beer, great soccer and rugby, Great lookin men, cute little woman, and depending on where you go its either snotty people or great people (like anwhere right)
(Now I hope I didnt tick anybody off with that answer but thats just what I commonly have herd ok ...
I live in the Southwest of Spain and one thing I have noticed here is that there are virtually no Indians, Asians, Chinese, or Black people here apart from a few Africans from Morocco which is close. I have also noted that on the Costa del Sol British young British Tourists are seen as drunken yobs (which may be true) and treated with contempt by the locals. Therefore some Spanish are very wary of you at first until they get to know you.One other thing I would say is that I miss nothing about England at all, except my family and friends, and after living here have no desire to return.
Among other very valid points he says that countries like India and China that we have always viewed as being behind us, in reality are not. More interesting is the fact that in those countriess Britain is no more important and ambitious students do not seek to go to British universities, and very little attention is paid to British institutions or methods.
He ends his article by saying,"As we head towards the annual festival of lies about exam results, remember this: these liars are not only idiots, they are dangerous too."
If anecdotes about the NHS mean nothing to you, then further argument about that subject is pointless - you will continue to go along with your head in the clouds until you actually have anecdotal evidence about the incompetence to pass on!
I'm currently in Germany helping to teach English, and had to do a lesson about 'Britishness'. I opened the end for questions, and asked them what they thought of the English.
The first thing they said was that we eat a lot of crisps, drink a lot of tea, and they all thought we sit down at four o'clock for high tea and have elevenses. They think everyone knows every intricate detail about London and the Monarchy. They ask whether I've ever met the Queen, Tony Blair, and Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), and appear surprised when I say no.
My friend told me that when she went to Tenerife, men stop in their cars when they see English girls alone and tell them to get in their car because they think we're all loose and easy.
Anyway, I still disgree. I do know of friends/colleagues who have had poor experiences with the NHS but they are a very small minority. Also, I should perhaps have said that I know nothing at all about the "British" education system as there is no such thing. All of my experiences are with the Scottish system and it is highly regarded across the world.
As for the behaviour of the British abroad then I can't defend the drunken yob attitude of the youngsters but the vast majority do not deserve this label.
Yes there's a lot of things wrong with this country I agree, but I think anyone would find things to complain about in almost any country they chose to live in.
OK - we can't do anything about the weather, but it makes us appreciate it more when the sun is shining.
The Royal Family - well just ignore them if you're not a royalist. You probably won't meet them when you're out and about doing the weekly shop.
The NHS comes in for a lot of criticism, but at least we've got an NHS, unlike a lot of other countries. If you're in an accident, the medics don't go through your pockets seeing if you're carrying credit cards, before they work out where to take you.
As for television - I think we've got some of the best TV in the world. Whether it's one of David Attenboroughs epic nature programmes, or the fantastic Coronation Street, there are loads of good programmes. Yes - I know there are crap ones as well - but why not just watch the good ones!
Natalie asked about noticing a change in ethnic minorities abroad, well I think like this country, it depends on which part of the country you visit. Living in rural Wiltshire I admit I'm probably not best placed to answer that question though.
One other thing - if you get your picture of Britain from reading the Daily Mail or seeing what Peter Richens in the Mail on Sunday says, then balance this view by reading another paper with a different political persuasion. These papers are solely dedicated to the overthrow of the Labour Party, and whilst I may or may not agree to that at the moment, when the Tories were in power, all the sleaze and underhand activities that went on in Maggies and John Major's reign hardly got a mention in these papers.