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Trying to find Book Title! HELP!

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kauna98 | 21:45 Thu 25th May 2006 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers

Many years back I was reading this book (sci fi) about this small town. Every night there was a soft gentle rain and the plants seem to start taking life. I recall one part where this person was walking past the Roses on a fence and it was as if the plant reached out and poked its thorns into the person. The Veggitables grew huge also. I think the title had to do something with Plants? I lost the book and have been wanted to find it and finish reading it. Can anyone help me find this book or title?

Thank you

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Hhmm was there a comet and a guy who had been blinded? If so it was Day of the Triffids
You sure it wasn't a film? 'The Bodysnatchers' comes to mind, with Donald Sutherland in one of the lead roles.
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No, it was a book. Paper back and the front had a big plant or plants on the front of it.
I've just checked Amazon and IMDB - seems there was a book, too, both under the title "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers".

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Trying to find Book Title! HELP!

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