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the rainforest

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rugeleyboy | 21:56 Sun 13th Aug 2006 | People & Places
8 Answers
are they still cutting them down?


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No it's Sunday they will have the day off.
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dorothy!!!!!! i am asking a very sensibubble question here!!
Yes ... deforestation is alive and well, sadly
Hi ruge,
I think it is vanishing at about the size of Britain virtually every year,that might be a slight exageration but it is happening, sad to say.
Wow ... that's the worlds longest link, Ray ... lol
And remember that so much deforestation is because the farmers want to grow soya, certainly the case in South America - it takes 20 acres of soya to prodiuce feed for 1 acre of cattle - for use in the developed north - ie the US and Europe as feed and as ingredients.

We do not need this, and as the soil in the rainforest areas is so poor, the crops can not be replanted satisfactorily so the farmers are on a constant roll of clearing new areas for the crops as the soil becomes depleted.

Deforestation is also widespread in Africa and parts of the Far East - Borneo etc. for different reasons to the soya problem - timber demands, population demands requirng local farmland just to grow crops to feed the locals, and so on.

Big topic. - some info here: or see; for 2 sites dedicated to saving this important natural resource.

Right - off to hug a few trees - everyone join in now..!!

Yes,sorry about that naz,very pretty colour though !!!! lol

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