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Hi Crofter and Smouse, Just been checking out Wikepedia, for haddock it says "The haddock is easily recognised by a black lateral line running along its white side, not to be confused with pollock which has the reverse, ie white line on black side, and a distinctive dark blotch above the pectoral fin, often described as a "thumbprint" or even the "Devil's thumbprint" or "St. Peter's mark"
And for John Dory Wikepedia says, also known as St. Pierre...The legendary etymology of this piscatorial designation is Janitore, the "door-keeper," in allusion to St. Peter, who brought a fish said to be of that species, to our Lord at His command." St. Peter, is said to be keeper of the pearly gates of Heaven.".
I have to go with John Dory 'cos the answer is 4,4 but Haddock would have been a better answer I think, Thanks for all help,