I was kind of hoping the noose would break and he slipped on a sharpe sword that would sever his knee caps. He would then be in hospital and treated with an AIDS infected scalple giving him painful ulcerated sores. Then, due to his illness he mistakes normal tap water with carbolic acid and washes his hairy face and eyes causing severe pain and permanent blindness. Then whilst he is sufferring from the worse pain imaginable he he placed in a cell with the biggest convicted arab bum-rapist ever with a fetish for hairy dictators with AIDS and burnt faces, and used as a toy for a few months.
Then he is giving salmonella infected chicken whislt he legal team try to defend him further. Just as he is due to be hang again, each finger is cut off with a hacksaw by a mad rabbi who who has lost his family due to anti-Israeli feeling. As the noose is placed aroud his neck a secondary rope is tied around his willy. This rope is conneceted In front of him to a black sheet coverring a crowd of people crowd of people.
As he falls, he neck is slowly broken and the force on the secondary rope rips his todger off and the black sheet is pulled away revealing his entire family. They are seen by a dying Saddam and there mouths have been forced wide open with numerous cuts inside. The bllood from his AIDS infected willy is sprayed in to each of his wives and children, who in turn will suffer and die.
He finally dies after 30 minutes of suffocation and a half broken neck.
However, I was happy with the simple hanging.