I understand how you can be in pain over this realisation. I�m sure it�s very painful for you, especially having to hear your mother acknowledge the deception. Others in this thread have offered some rather sound comments. Whilst some have written that it�s �none of your business,� I understand how it can create turmoil for you and possibly for other members of the family. First, please delete the photo. It isn�t necessary and it only adds to your own discomfort. Secondly, it�s a matter for your mother to address. Whilst love has so many complex fingers, there is the reality that he dalliances with this man could actually cause a horrific crisis for the boy with disabilities, should they ever be found out. Sadly, this would cause suffering for many more. If your mother�s choice is to continue, with the knowledge that �their� relationship (remember, it takes two for the relationship) could cause suffering for many people, then it�s your mother�s choice of action and she will be the only one who is accountable for her actions. Finally, I would offer that should you persist in berating your mother over the relationship, it could cause irreparable damage to you and the rest of your family. I do wish you well. Fr Bill