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strangely satisfying

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unrulyjulie | 12:39 Mon 17th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Last night i noticed that my cat had a tick on her head (YUK) I couldnt just leave it there and I managed to get the blooming hideous thing out with the aid of a pair of tweezeers and i have to say, i enjoyed doing it ! I enjoyed squashing the little bu$$er equally!
Bit like the pleasure you get from squeezing that big spot or getting that blackhead out! and my ultimate favourite, getting splinters out, love it!
Am i strange???
What gives you a little bit of pleasure that really shouldnt ?


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winding up igits
taking things apart to see how they work
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I love peeling sunburnt skin off, either on myself or other people- the longer the "sheet" the better.
Yuk Boo!!!!!

Squashing flies!!!
Oi, you squish bugs and I get the yuk???


boo i enjoy pulling skin of ..i love squeezing black heads ..great when its a really big one .
Eugh, B00 you sound like Goldmember!
Squeezing spots definitely, julie!
You have to watch when pulling ticks off pets, I was warned against it.
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sacbs! How satisfying are they to pull off???

im careful leela, i got the whole thing, used to it it regularly for my mums dog.
counting coins!!.............i empty my kids money boxes out on a regular basis so i can chill out??
I get great satisfaction out of making people angry, over nothing, in other words winding them up.
I used to love picking dried glue of my hands when i was a kid.

I love rubbing salt onto an ulcer, nips like hell, but it's strangely satisfying.
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ruge, i used to love doing that too, regularly used to sit with my mums telephone money box, just counting! It was always the ideal oppertunity for my big brother to accuse me of pinching it ;-)
logic, i dont believe that!
HI UNRULYJULIE are you sure you got it all out as there is a difference between ticks and fleas. You have to make sure you get it all out sometimes you think you have got it but part of it is still there and can cause infection.
lol. I know the feeling. I use a special tool, it helps get most of it out.
Then I disinfect the entire town, the tool, the cat, my hands. Ticks carry deadly disease.

You there julie?
Julie? Hello???!!!
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yes, i definitely got it all out.
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and yes meredith, i lived to tell the tale as did the cat, sadly the tick didnt! :-)
Switching the lights on and off, tapping things 3 times, eating things on my plate in an anti clockwise direction, very satisfying :)
All this talk about ticks... they look horrible.

Yes, that's the famous chocolate donut tick, that disguises itself to confuse dogs, etc. Next time you're in Dunkin donuts take a very close look before eating, you never know.

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