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Well my flaba is utterly ghasted!! I cannot believe that you really think the Tibetans want to be under chinese rule !!
And what was that about the chinese giving them freedom? You are under a sad illusion M if you seriously think that. Can you give me an example of the chinese giving them their freedom, - was it the camps they put them in, the false panchen lama to worship, the constant presence of chinese military police. The beating and torture of buddhist monks and nuns, not to mention they took their living away - Most of the people you see in Tibet now are chinese not Tibetants as they are not allowed to have children unless they can afford the 1 child otherwise they are given steralisation, sorry forced to have sterilisation.
Panic Button is absolutely right, don't buy any chinese goods, they are most likely to be made by Tibetan prisoners who are tortured if they do not make their daily quota of toys.
I would be most interested to meet your Tibetan friends, having been there and met the most wonderful people years ago, I know that chinese rule is the worst thing that could possibly have happened to them, worse is the fact that people outside of Tibet think it is a good thing. Very sad.