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george w bush???

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dexter18 | 16:38 Thu 02nd Sep 2004 | People & Places
11 Answers
What exactly is his purpose? please explain?


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silly question. go away and think of a better one.
Not a silly question at all! Obviously he is there to make everyone else in the world look more intelligent and good looking. xxx
To entertain and to annoy? Or maybe he's the solution to overpopulamation?
(a) To provide a standard of comparison for the rest of us, so that we can reassure ourselves of our normality and superiority compared with him.
(b) To provide us with an opportunity for rejoicing and having a celebration party when he leaves office in January 2009 [sic].
Simple. Everybody knows that a turnip adds more flavour to soups and stews.
It is amazing to see the answers here that I see. And it is even more amazing to think that the ignorance that this country has or any other country for that matter. What he is trying to do is provide a better life for those of us in the U.S. and is also doing a pretty good job helping out the iraq's people. If you ask them as they have shown on t.v. and on the newspapers you notice that they are relieved to not be pursecuted any longer and to actually have a chance in making something out of there lives. It is sad that we in the U.S. voice our opinions so freely but yet without the fear of being stricken down when some others do not have that option. And if anyone other than the U.S. had our power (and I mean that not nuclear or guns or army wise) but the ability to withstand giving so much of our country for the good of others it would be them under attack and not us.
If America's so great why are you on a British site adodgegirl? Oh sorry you're probably one of the majority who don't even have a passport to leave the country so thought you'd do tourism internet style. And if George Bush isn't ignorant then I'd like to meet someone who is.
I am an American and I came to this site while searching for something. I do not have a passport because I figure if we do not have it then I don't need it. I am not happy about some of the things Bush has done mainly that he seems to kiss the a$$ of liberals who will hate him not matter what he does. I am certainly glad that we do not have a Presedent getting his "rocks" off in the Oval Office.
Well Adodgegirl and Happyone, sorry to disapoint both of you but Bush has made this great country of our more unsafe now then it has ever been before, both before 9/11 and after 9/11. I am guessing that by your answers that ya'll have not been to the mid east, No I thought not. Well let me clue you in before 9/11 we were not liked in most country's of the mid east, we are now hated in all of them, Sader's photos are not just in Iraq but in Jordon and Syria. Bush's ego will destroy this country if we do not get him out of office. PS Happygirl I would rather have a president that Fk'ed his coed than a president that Fk'ed us. (americans)

his most important purpose is SEND TO HELL THE US FOLKS!!!!,he has cause a big insecurity in the country,the war of irak created a lot of ENEMYS for the innocents US citizens...MORE ENEMYS!!!

Nice answer Mrs Cheeks! 

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george w bush???

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