concerned & dishearted
why is it ,,, the laws laid down in black and white by our law makers .seem to only be carried out when, it isn't a person of means or a person of government I have seen where Sen. Stevens of Alaska was found guilty of 7 felonies.But he can still be elected back to the senate . My point,,, to be a Police office or civil servant you can not have over 3 misdemeanors.But yet the men who are in Government have the right to break the laws made by them . I feel its time for the people of America to stand up and take notice of the corruption and miss use of power
in Washington. ...not just sit back and say well that's the way its always been,,,,,,..My last comment on the trickle down theory,,, the only thing that trickles(rolls) down hill is,crap and we have been feed a truck load since John Kennedy was killed,,, and all who stand up and say I am not raciest . but continue to back the people who brought down this great nation and brought so much dis pare on everyone, including the rich people who do have a heart and concuss .... its time for us all to take accountability and responsibility for our own actions,and not allow a class of people, who feel they are the smartest and so above the common man. to be judged according to the laws of the land ,,not the self made laws to protect there lawlessness ....... i am a retired police officer,,,,,,,and the system as it is makes me sick