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the pope is he right ??

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legend.isgod | 10:21 Tue 23rd Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Apparently its as important to get rid of trans-sexual behaviour as it is to save the rain forest



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Sorry forgot to add.
Or does he think hes still living in nazi germany and you can just exterminate anyone you dont like ?

I always thought those homosexuals were a danger to the environment!

I agree with all Iv'e read on this thread so far,
He also says:

"The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."

That is not a Nazi view and nowhere has he suggested exterminating anyone.
AMAZING innit,? before the arrival of the new ed, there would have been some real firey dicussion here,
But this seems to have fallen flat, because, I suspect, That people are afraid to post their thoughts,
i'm sure most catholics think he's right
This is a hard one as I'm not homophobic but I do understand his point. I judge people as they come and not on their race, creed or sexual orientation. You cannot escape the fact....Man and Woman = babies. Man and Man or Woman and woman = no babies.
And I am Catholic.
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On June 28, 1935, the Ministry of Justice revised Paragraph 175. The revisions provided a legal basis for extending Nazi persecution of homosexuals. Ministry officials expanded the category of "criminally indecent activities between men" to include any act that could be construed as homosexual. The courts later decided that even intent or thought sufficed. On October 26, 1936, Himmler formed within the Security Police the Reich Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality.

Youre right ethel.
The difference between the nazis and the current popes ideas are massive.

Ehmmmm arent they ???

You decide folks.
could both be right though, ?
Please note, that was a question, and not a statement.
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Womna and woman can equal babies iether with the help of an active participating man or thru ivf

As for the church.

The Catholic church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage, and in October a leading Vatican official called homosexuality "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound".

So you can see theyre streets apart from the nazis , though the pope was a hitler youth member.
Surely that cant have any beariing on his opinions.

Can it?

no... of course not.

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In 1986 Ratzinger issued a letter to the Catholic Bishops in which he wrote that homosexuality was a �tendency� towards an �intrinsic moral evil�. A few years later, in 1992, he rejected the notion of human rights for gays, stressing that their civil liberties could be �legitimately limited�. He followed up by remarking that �neither the church nor society should be surprised� if �irrational and violent reactions increase� when gays demand civil rights. Not a man to mince his words, Ratzinger urgently set to work to ferret out gay-sensitive clergy.

You gotta love the pope meh?

I hear that gary glitter may be in the running for next pope.

If he shaves off his wee goatee beard tho
spoken like a true hun^ lol
er ummm

Lack of babies is not actually a big problem right now.

In fact the reverse is true.

You don't suppose the Pope could do or say something to reduce that massive environmental problem do you?

Hypocrisy from the vatican? Never!
The massive environmental problem could be reduced without imposing any kind of birth control, natural or otherwise,

BUT the question was,

The Pope, is he right,?
answer, yes
I know Jake. But as men and women procreate then it's seen as natural and as same sex can't it's not so natural.

Personally I think you are born gay and there's nothing you can do about it. I do understand where the church is coming from though.

"You don't suppose the Pope could do or say something to reduce that massive environmental problem do you?"

the Vatican is actually the world's only sovereign state that can lay claim to being carbon-neutral.
Driving cars isn't natural

So what?

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the pope is he right ??

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