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Mr Veritas | 22:31 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
A dear friend of ours is going on holiday to New Zealand for over 3 months(lucky thing),and we would like to buy her a (small) farewell gift.
I was trying to think of something that would be useful en route,and also when she arrives.
Has anyone got any ideas.
I would be most grateful.


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Doc sometimes you really really can be a total arse.

You just wont leave the guy alone.
Between you and gormffy you wanna give it a rest.
The jokes long fkin wore off mate.

of she is anything like my mum she would want to keep a travel diary off her trip. So what about a dictaphone?? really they are so useful , argos do them i think, they can be used on the plane, they will also help her to remember the details
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That wouldn't be possible on 2 counts doc.
One pickle doesn't know her.
Two.As pickle has now been subjected to ECT he doesn't look good (even if he DID know her).
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Good suggestion dot,
Something I hadn't thought of,I will check that out at Argos.
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well my mum always said when she came back from 4 weeks in the USA that if she had thought she would have taken one, she managed to make notes in an exercise book most nights but there was so much she missed out, she wanted to be able to write about it when she got home you see.
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Indeed dot,
It's good because (although she is young) her memory isn't that good,and it would be a small enough gift to carry in her hand luggage.
I thought a retail professional would know!
How about a book or guide to the best places in New Zealand.Have a look at the link below.It might give you an idea of what to get.... aland/dp/1843532247
Doc youre the type who would shout queer out the window then hide behind the curtains.

Your treatment of pickle was and still is pathetice and hes not even here.

Get a grip.

Sorrry mr veritas but it seems doc is on his homo high horse.
Maybe hes secretly wantimng some.
Hope pickles ok.

Ignore doc , hes alway like this , even worse after the rum about 6 on a friday.
How about a cheap pair of binoculars Mr. Veritas? I understand that the views from the plane as it sweeps down towards NZ are fabulous.
It all depends on what you want to pay. if you give us an idea, maybe people can think of something useful within the price range.
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Ice I think �30.00 is about the tops,I hope this doesn'r seem mean?
Digital Camera ?
A cheap pressie would perhaps be one of those inflatable neck supports things for the journey. New Zealand is a very long flight and if you are in a sardine type seat then one of these can be very comforting.
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Her partner is a professional photographer,but thanks anyway.

They are going Business Class!!!
So it would probably be me that needs the neck pillow for travel to the airport to see them off! LOL
Thanks also.
It doesn't seem mean at all. After all, it's not as if your friend's emigrating, so a token gift just seems like a very nice thing to give. 0-30-x-25-Compact-Zoom-Binoculars/2546014/prod uct.html?cid=133635

For example!
This place also does some beautiful travel diaries with some great info included. /albums-and-books/leather-journals?gclid=CLzL8 cGno5gCFUsa3godNDP0lA
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Thanks Ice they both look very interesting,
I am sure I shall be able to find something there.
I'll let you know.

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