" How many beaten wives go running back to hubby when he has sobered up and is sorry?
I bet we have a good few on here in that situation now or have been in the situation in the past . "
As a matter of interest after reading spermatids comment there (and correcting the typos ). Has anyone here been in that situation or know someone who has? How easy was it for them to walk away? And did anyone help them ? Did they help themselves?
This is a very personal thing and if folk choose to answer as a green name then i think that would be both sensible and understood.
Maybe not tho? Im away but will lookon after lunch. Just as a matter of interest.
My sister. She is still with him, although his violence has ceased in the last couple of years and there are various issues as to why that I won�t go into. It was the usual, walked into a door etc., but she always went back.
My best friend......married at 19 had 2 children husband always drunk and beat her up.....they divorced after 10 years.
She then was with another drunkard who constantly beat her.....stayed for 18 years.
Now with a lebanese chap who only married her to stay in this country......constant police at the house,drunken fights ect ect......why does she put up with this awful life ?...I dont know.....
My sister was beaten by her ex. She manage to hide the bruises for a long time. Then one day he beat her so badly there was no hiding it so he forced her to say she was mugged at the bus stop. My husband and I were not convinced and I eventually got the truth from her. That night my husband went to their house, literally picked him up and threw him onto the pavement outside followed by his clothes. He was told to be gone in 5 minutes or the police would be called. He stayed there ranting and raving and even put the window through so we had him arrested.
My sister refused to press charges but we haven't seen or heard from him since.
I stopped a bloke in the street after I saw him kick his girlfriend in the head then smash her face into a wall. He came after me with a baseball bat and I got help, he then ran off and held his kids at gunpoint in their house. I gave statements the next day, then she took him back.
My ex only hit me once................shortly before I returned the compliment and hit him over the head with a cast iron frying pan ..........HE left.