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Evening peeps

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tiggerblue10 | 19:07 Wed 03rd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
Nothing interesting or newsworthy ever seems to happen in my neck of the woods, Croydon. Well I don't think so anyway! Others may think otherwise.

What is your city / town / village etc, famous for? Or what famous or even infamous things have happened in your area?


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evening..........peeps back.
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You peeping at me noKnow?
H tigger hun , the town I live in is famous for its fish I guess , and infamous for one of the most infamous murderers .
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Hi BM xxx

Oooooo which murderer was that then BM?
That's not quite true, Churchill was born in Croydon and Mrs Thatcher once waved at it from a train. I was in Allders on Monday and it was very exciting.

Bradford is famous for fish bigmamma?
-- answer removed --
Hi tiggs.


The Infinity Bridge opening was featured in the Mail On Sunday Live magazine as the event of the week, a couple of weeks ago! Stockton has one of the widest High Streets in Europe too ( somebody might find that piece of info useless and irrelevant - somebody didn't, the other day :-( )
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Lol Whiffs.
I'm not in Bradford No,Knowledge sweets
I'm leaving my self wide open here :)

The village I live in is famous for stupid people, the stories go that years ago they built a fence around the village to keep the fog out. it's also famous for antiques (lovejoy was filmed here)
OH from Elderslie, alleged bitrhplace of William Wallace
We once had a battle here in Hastings. We've also got the castle and smugglers caves.
Chuck........................... did the fence work?
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Oooo BM I don't like than evil mans face. Hope he rots. xxx
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Lol Chucky!
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Interesting Jan. As a history buff I watched that C4 docudrama about the Battle of Hastings. Didn't quite know what to make of it though.
I doubt it did work, but it was kinda before my time (by about 100years)

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Evening peeps

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