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Thank you Buenchico, there are more terms but the word limit for the site cut off the rest of the Terms in that section. So the full terms read as follows;
9. Daywork.
i. As far as possible everything that is quantifiable will be included in a fixed price quotation. It is not our wish to find means to increase the overall price. However, only the work specified will be carried out within the fixed price quotation. All additional work will be charged at the following Daywork rates within the UK. Overseas rates will be subject to negotiation.
a. Labour. � 41.64 per man-hour.
b. Materials. � Cost + 25%
c. Plant. � Hire Cost + 25%
ii. Where Daywork and fixed price work is carried out in the same day, travelling time and other costs will be apportioned proportionately to the number of hours worked in the whole day.
iii. Travelling time and associated costs are charged at Daywork Rate a.
iv. Accommodation and fuel costs are chargeable at Daywork Rate b.
v. Non-motorized hand tools only are included in the Daywork rates. All powered tools are chargeable in Daywork Rate c. Hire rates are those chargeable, on the day charged, upon a weekday day rate by HSS Tool Hire excluding special offers.
vi. Fixed prices are quoted on the basis that the work will be carried out as a single, uninterrupted contract, without delays whether caused by the client, other workmen, contractors, neighbours, or any other outside agency whatsoever, excluding war, riot, and acts of God. All delays in the work will be charged for at the daywork rate.
vii. The lack of availability of an authorized person from the client, contracting or sub-contracting company, to expedite matters shall not militate against �����������.