The problem is what was generally acceptable, say 10 years ago, may not be now.
As a rule, anything that belittles someone or causes them affront should not be used in a decent society. I agree that 'political correctness' has gone mad, but if you were mixed heritage (as mixed race people are now supposed to be called) would you be happy being refered to as 'half caste'? Probably not.
Terms often used by school children such as fatty, four eyes, spaz, mong etc (and there are many, much worse, names used in the play ground) will never be eradicated, but as we get older we should strive to better ourselves and refrain from usng such language.
Whether this is deemed as politcal correctness or just common decency is for the individual to decide.
And jno - I have a brother in law that is black, and I can understand why the N word is censored by AB. It is a nasty, empirical word that has no place n todays world.