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Should supermarkets limit the amount of alcohol people buy at Christmas?

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AB Editor | 17:17 Fri 18th Dec 2009 | Society & Culture
14 Answers
With many large savings available this year for bulk buying beer, wine and spirits are the supermarkets fuelling a binge drinking culture this Christmas? Should there be a limit to the number of units customers can buy at one time in supermarkets?

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  • No, people are responsible enough to make their own choices about Alcohol. - 33 votes
  • 87%
  • Yes, there should be a limit on how much customer can buy. - 5 votes
  • 13%

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It depends, if you have a lot of people coming, you will buy a lot of alcohol but each person might only have a couple of glasses.
I see no justifiable reason for there be a ration on buying alcohol. People should be allowed to buy however much they want as they are forking out the payments.
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Not enough choices Ed - How would you enforce such a rationing system anyway? Checkout girls arguing with customers about their alcohol purchases? I dont think so.

If alcohol represents such a serious threat to the fabric of society, then the only way of imposing any sort of rationing is through greater education and public awareness campaigns, coupled with big increases in prices.It worked with smoking.Of course, you will get lots of people irritated at being made to pay extra because of an irresponsible minority.
No, i don't think it should be limited.

Even if it was, there's nothing to stop people going to a number of shops and buying their limit at each shop. It would be impossible to enforce.
Like nummy says....people will just go to other supermarkets as well. Or do a daily run. My corner shop sells alcohol at the same price or cheaper than the supermarkets....they would even give me a hand carrying it home :-)
Totally agree with Nummy, and furthermore, if the nanny state DID manage to enforce it somehow, this errant child would be brewing his own at the drop of a hat (I often do anyway) :-)
Thinking about it how much alcohol could someone consume before they keel over.
The amount of alcohol we can buy is already limited by the size of our cars.

The Land Cruiser is okay if I put the back seats flat.

The MG is useless.
///I see no justifiable reason for there be a ration on buying alcohol./// Have a look at any town or city centre on a Friday or Saturday night.

///Even if it was, there's nothing to stop people going to a number of shops and buying their limit at each shop. It would be impossible to enforce. ///

It could be pretty easy - each person has an alcohol card which allows them to buy certain amounts of alcohol. If they abuse the system then their cards are taken away. You cannot make a purchase from any place selling alcohol without a card.

Currently alcohol costs the NHS around £3 billion per year. I don't know what the costs of policing are, but there is a massive police presence over the weekend which come out of their budget.

It needs a complete change in culture in this country, and I doubt that many people wil be for it.
Certainly not.

If anything they should encourage people to buy more alcohol by offering discounts on volume or multiple purchases and displaying alcohol at the end of aisles that have nothing to do with alcohol.

Also I think that the high alcohol content drinks manufacturers such as schnapps, whisky, tia maria etc., who do not advertise on television at any other time of the year, should really ramp up their efforts over the Christmas period to encourage further consumption.

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Should supermarkets limit the amount of alcohol people buy at Christmas?

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