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user names?

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wendilla | 12:53 Thu 15th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
61 Answers
Just curious how you all choosed your user names. mine is nothing like my name .I wanted Wendy but got a choice of 3 and chose this one. But most people on here call me Wendi anyway.


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I used to go by my real name Joy which is why some still refer to me as this, but I unregistered it when I ran into a spot of bother....and
when you do that , you can't get it back so I chose Bobbisox as I am a lover of 50s/60s music, I get Bobbi in most cases and some trolls think I'm a
Bobbi ♥
Apart from Wendy Gram, who was recorded in 1828 records, some 42 years before Barrie was born.

It also appears in English records before peter pan.
..........I have a hat.
and was in a notorious gang in London's East End weren't you
i'm a pink tarten ball of fuff
am I the only sane one then...pmsl
I am a heavily tattooed Irish navy who loves lidl puddy tats
He was indeed bobbi.........his body was allegedly dropped from an aeroplane into the sea, after being stabbed.

Awful way to die.
It's a variation of my surname and the fact that I am bananas.
and he was called after a daft biscuit too
Question Author
yes remember you as Joy. I have had the same name since I joined nearly 5 years.
with your Latin looks salla you should go by Monaco Rose
bobbi LOL
I was in the East End in that period, but felt safer then, than i would now.
i can confirm that about peri, you should see the tats
today I dont wish to tell u where my username has come from :-(
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I wouldn't have said that to his face tho' sqad, although by all accounts, they left alone law-abiders who didn't get in their way?
awww jan, did they lose pet?
Bobbs - I loves ya x

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