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wow factor headlines

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zzxxee | 00:17 Wed 24th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
if you got up tommorow morning what would be the most shocking headline you could read?

how about
"Elvis found alive and well living in the playboy mansion!"


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seriously shocking would be war broken out in korea.
Question Author
that would be awful Anne x

Hosepipe-ban imminent.

Looking for heatwave
I'd be running about like a headless chicken, in my mankini, with my factor 50 at the ready.
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nice headline in a Sydney newspaper the other day. Shane Warne, the former Australian spin bowler and promoter of a hair-loss treatment, was quoted as saying that the spinner picked for the current Australian team was not the best one around. The newspaper headlined this: "Shane Warne: that's not my real heir".
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these are great x
how about
"shock horror at kerry katonas pregnancy, rumours are jeremy kyle is the father"
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Question Author
is that a headline or personal request eddie ?
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Question Author
could still make an interesting headline !!!!! x
I think she's safe Eddie.....nobody would board her.
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A pirate with two eyepatches might.
World ended yesterday....
Question Author
like that one rowan !!! lol
Whole of Royal Family abdicates. Cameron takes over as President.
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