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Including Islam and Judaism with Christianity

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Andyvon | 01:05 Thu 17th Feb 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
18 Answers
Following Natas liah's thread below why do people like that only criticise, attack and insult Christians and Christianity? The three main religions worship the same single god but under different names. The only difference are the methods of worship.

It seems to me that Christians are somehow seen as safe to insult. The attitude seems to be that if Christians don't like what is being said then they can just get on and lump it. Yet those very people keep their mouths firmly shut when it comes to broadening their own arguments to include Islam and Judaism. Presumably they wouldn't insult Muslims or Jews in the same way for fear of being branded with one of the vitriolic terms we often see on AB such as 'racist' or 'racist bigot'. I've always felt bemused by those persons' silence in the face of the apparent contradictions other religions have with the concepts of equality that we have fostered in the UK in the last few years.

Let us not confine criticism and insult of religious people to Christians. If anyone does feel the need to cause such insult and injury about someone's faith then let it be religious advocates in general. That means Muslims and Jews too!


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To be fair...Muslims do get a bashing.

I do agree though...I stand back as the Atheists know much more than me. Which makes me think a bit too much..!!
Bonkers the lot of them.
a fair point.........andy.
and having been married to a Jewish girl I can also vouch that anti -semitism is alive and well and living all over the place:(
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I didn't say that I don't believe in a god so I suppose I could be classed as an atheist too (I do believe in an afterlife and maybe a spirit world but that is different to believing in a god). However, if someone derives comfort, peace, security and happiness from their faith then why should anyone feel they can come along and insult them and deride their belief? I have every respect for people who live their lives according to various rules and beliefs - provided they do actually do as they preach. I don't like doulble standards in anything and certainly not religion.

I also like to think I have a sense of fairplay. I would never criticise someone's faith or way of life but if someone like Natas liah feels the need to do that - for whatever reason - they should be fair with their criticism. From Natas liah's attitude I presume that he or she must have the same scathing feelings for Judaism, Islam and Mohammed. Why can they not have the decency to admit that?
Andy, I have the decency to admit that all religions are equally nuts.
surely , on reflection, if certain religeons did not exist then some subscibers names would not either.
If you think all religions are ' equally nuts' natas liah, why have you got a user name which spells 'Hail Satan' backwards, surely he's as fictional as the rest of em in your book?
Judeism is not a proselytising religion they do not seek to convert others.

Despite what they'd have you believe in News Islam is not at a level where there is a significant attempt to convert others.

There's something about going around telling others that you're on the righteous path and they are ignorant of the truth and a damned sinner that tends to get up their noses.

You want equality? - fine

Get your bishops out of our Parliament
Judaism is in no way the third main religion, not by a long way. Seeing Christianity is the most popular belief it stands to reason that they would get most of the criticism. The Muslims get a fair amount as the second and the third, the Hindus, are a relatively harmless religion compared to the first two.
If you believe that other religions don't get criticised then I think you are either new comer or does not read every thing properly.
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You only have their word that they worship the same god, what does that fount of all knowledge the bible say?...zilch
No need to insult anybody, it is possible to disagree without resorting to insults, a sure sign of a lost argument.
Nearly all religions are just killing each other to see who has the best imaginary friend!! They are all mad, as for Muslims, they really are in a world of their own, Twisted minds beyond belief!!!

Believe in my God or we will kill you all. lolol, absalute madness the lot them!!!
Actually RATTER15, there's only one religion that offers you death unless you convert to their religion, and only one that offers you death if you convert out.
Christians have to "turn the other cheek" so are an easy target.
lonnie, here are a few quotes from the epinion website. Can you refute any of them?


(Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purge from Israel.

I figure if you don’t listen to priests, you must die! No wonder the youngsters were afraid to speak out against the atrocities committed by Catholic pedophiles! If you do not see how this teaches hatred then you might be a Fundie Drone!

(Exodus 22:17 NAB)

You should not let a sorceress live.

Kill all Witches! That’s what that means. See, God got it wrong, so, God believes in Witches! Naturally a Fundie Drone will give a brand spank’n new definition to the word Witch!

(Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed: they have forfeited their lives.

Let’s kill gay people. If you don’t see the hatred in that then you truly are a Sophist Fundie Drone!
According to the Holy Scripture, we have to beat down gays and make them feel bad about who they are. We have to strip away their identity, until they submit to normalcy! This is one of the reasons why I, Rated-R, am a non-theist!

(Leviticus 21:9 NAB)

A Priest’s daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonoring her father also, shall be put to death.

(Leviticus 20:10 NLT)

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death

It kind of KILLS the mood out of having sex for the first time when your 15, 16, 17, etc while listening to Open Arms by Journey! If I was a daughter of a Priest, I would easily hate my father, and propel myself into th

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