A. The answer to lmark's question is Bertha Benz. And before you male chauvinist pigs ask: No, she didn't back it into the garage doors. Q. Benz ... any relation to ... A. Yes. Bertha was wife
00:00 Mon 22nd Oct 2001 A. No he's not, in answer to magicdave's question. But finding out anything about his two siblings is fiendishly difficult. Q. But you have succeeded A. Of course. This is the Answerbank. The
00:00 Sun 21st Oct 2001 A. Carmen Miranda, the Brazilian Bombshell. She was born Maria do Carmo Miranda Da Cunha in Marco de Canavezes, near Lisbon, Portugal, on 9 February 1909. Q. But I thought she was Brazilian ...
00:00 Mon 22nd Oct 2001 A. Michael Faraday (1791-1867) discovered electro-magnetic induction, electro-magnetic rotations, the magneto-optical effect, diamagnetism, field theory and a lot more. Q. How important is that
00:00 Mon 15th Oct 2001 A. A difficult one to answer, DOUBRIS. Popular opinion is that there are two memorials to the great inventor of Meccano and toy trains, but I have been able to find neither. Q. Where are the
00:00 Mon 15th Oct 2001 A. Thanks to sothie for the question. The answer is 102. This building is so fabulous, though, that I expect you'd like a few more details Q. Undoubtedly. A. The Empire State Building, New
00:00 Mon 15th Oct 2001 A. The former Speaker of the House of Commons has just published her autobiography. Miss Boothroyd is the first woman to be Speaker. She also fronted a war-time swing band and at the age of 17 was
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001 A. William Kidd, son of a Presbyterian minister, born in Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland, 1645; hanged in London on 23 May 23, 1701. He was a British privateer - then executed as a pirate.
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001 A. A group of six farm labourers in the village of Tolpuddle, Dorset, who were transported to Australia in 1834 for 'administering unlawful oaths'. They had set up a 'union' and threatened to
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001 A. Good question, there. The native New Yorker who inspired the newly released AI: Artificial Intelligence lived in Hertfordshire, until his death in March 1999. Easy answers: he loved the
00:00 Mon 01st Oct 2001 A. Pretender to the throne of England. Born in about 1474, he was executed on 23 November, 1499. He might have saved his head if hadn't been so daft. Q. Whom did he impersonate A. He
00:00 Mon 01st Oct 2001 A. Vicar's daughter, nurse and heroine. She was shot by the Germans in 1915 and her death is said to have helped encourage the United States to enter the First World War. Q. Why was she shot A.
00:00 Mon 01st Oct 2001 A. It means: We're all in this together. Q. How so A. Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) was formed by the Washington Treaty in 1949. Article Five stipulates that an armed attack against
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001 A. A great diplomat and a trusted one. Muhamed Sacirbey, Bosnia's ambassador to the United Nations, said: 'People trust him because he is honest. He doesn't try to hide behind a false argument. He
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001 A. Antony Ashley Cooper, later Lord Ashley, then the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885). Thanks for your question, Doubris. Q. And what did he do A. Shaftesbury was a philanthropist, reformer
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001 A. Yes, this has come as a great embarrassment to the Disney organisation, which is about to celebrate the great myth-maker's centenary in December. New evidence suggests his real name was Jose
00:00 Mon 17th Sep 2001 A. Son of a Dublin furrier who went on to found many orphanages. A huge charity for children still bears his name. A pioneer in social photography. Anything else Q. A few more details, please.
00:00 Mon 17th Sep 2001 A. It has already taken place - on 12 September. It was, however, a magnificent tribute to an amazing man. Campbell was buried at St Andrew's Church, Coniston Water, more than 34 years after he
00:00 Mon 17th Sep 2001 A. Seeker asks: 'I see the famous billboard of Marilyn Monroe in The Seven-Year Itch - made 45 years ago! - is expected to fetch 3,000 at auction. Can anyone account for this much-parodied image's
00:00 Mon 10th Sep 2001 A. Sir James Goldsmith, tycoon, founder of the Referendum Party, fearless businessman, gambler, serial adulterer and the man who wanted to close Private Eye magazine. Thanks to jujijan for the
00:00 Mon 10th Sep 2001