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Sorry folks but I worked in a Mental Health Hospital for over 15 years. Still can't understand how this much donated cash is justified. The treatment our patients received, via the NHS, is more than appropriate. Where is this extra cash supposed to help? No Boxtops, I don't have any 'personal' experience - i.e. no relatives with mental health probs. But I was in daily contact with mental health patients and their relatives. And I do have friends (and their families) who experience mental health problems. Please understand, I do sympathise with those who suffer from mental health probs, but I really (REALLY!!) think these problems are catered for via NHS mental health hospitals/institutions/units, whatever you want to call them, appropriate for each patients' needs and it is not necessary to use this large amount of money, donated by caring individuals, for this, relatively small, amount of service users when it could be put to better use elsewhere.