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Am I ugly? :/ (Guy pic)

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Nathlee | 23:34 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | Society & Culture
55 Answers
So through my life, I've always been told I was ugly (Mainly by people at school, trying to be harsh etc) but after awhile, you really begin to believe it.. So am I as ugly as I think?

This is not an ego boost, I really want the honest truth, no making me feel better, I just really want to know..

Thanks in advance

Im 19 years old by the way.


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Great - you will have a terrific time at uni. Join as many clubs and societies as you can, forget about what people have said in the past - be a new you in a place where nobody else knows you at first. Make new friends, and don't put yourself down in your new world!
23:52 Sun 19th Jun 2011
Those kids at school, Nath, were probably jealous of your good looks, I bet it wasn't a person on their own, but a group of them, saying such rubbish.
You are a lovely looking young man Nathlee, and you have a wonderful smile, take no notice of anyone who says otherwise.
No you're not ugly.
..and that looks like a pretty conclusive set of answers to me, so...
Nope! But I've found that some really lovely looking people are really nasty, and some that aren't 'model material' are really nice.

You seem a fairly happy chappy, so don't let those others put you down!
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Thanks a lot for the answers, It's nice knowing not everyone thinks im hidious lol
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Thanks :)
You look lovely to me. Wish I was at least sixty years younger!! Anyway my mother always said "Handsome is, as handsome does" and I think that applies to everyone. Inside has to be beautiful as well as outside.
Very cute, gorgeous smile - open and intelligent expression. And that's from a very discerning gay guy! So now you've all bases covered :)
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Im very flattered now lol thanks..
I agree that meeting new people, who share your interests, will put all this unpleasantness behind you. I know it is unlikely, but have you thought of contact lenses? Often people just see the glasses, not the handsome fellah behind them. Mind you, I say just get on with your life and find some friends who like you as you are.
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Not in the slightest ugly and you look like you will improve with age.
The honest truth no, not in any way.
I really think that you suffer from a common young people affliction and need reassurance. Just smile at the bullies. You are better than average looking so they do not know anything except trying to hurt people. The ones who treat you with respect are the only ones worth hanging out with.
Oh man, you ain't ugly. Jesus! you're not ugly! I would say 'cute'. You have a lovely podgy cute nose...but you look like someone who at 19 has what it takes to go out and explore the world in their own cheeky way.

And don't listen to people unless they make positive comments about you. If the negative are there, take it on board but don't take it to heart. You make your own way in life. I think your personality shines through your face and it is certainly not ugly.
I think you look young fresh and naive, wait till those girls get you at Uni :-)
Good luck.
You are facing a great opportunity to reinvent yourself and escape from what those from in your past and what they did in an effort to put you down. Make the most of it.

Be confident and contented with who you are. That is what really makes a person attractive.

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Am I ugly? :/ (Guy pic)

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