My over the road neighbour has just shown me a huge bunch of flowers she's just recieved from her husband through 'Interflora' to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
She tells me her anniversary isn't till September. But also tells me today would have been his tenth anniversary of his FIRST marriage.
Have you made any Boo-boo's like this?
He wriggled out of it by telling her he knew nothing of it,evidently his secretary does all that for him & she hadn't got the diary up to date and this is how the big Boo-boo happened.
She believed him. - Would You?
No! I think that's made me feel crosser on her behalf now - someone who can't take responsibility himself, even if the secretary does "do" for him, is a one to be avoided.
I pop it on the calendar myself along with the key family birthdays - all so much simpler.
yeah, some phone/text in thing about anniversary mistakes etc. this exact scenario was one, along with the husband who went into a petrol station to buy his wife flowers, and saw her in the queue in front doing the exact same thing!
Blimey! I'll have to ask her if it was her who phoned/emailed Terry Wogan about it, she was angry enough. When they get back from the mini-break they've gone off to. (Was it a Cynthia?)
I would be inclined to put his flowers in the bin and tell him what he could do with his mini-break. He is heading for another divorce if that is how he acts.
Star, she's bessoted with him. but she will run him down sometimes but if you say a bad word she'll chew you up & spit you out. Thats love for you, I was a bit like that in the first few years of marriage.
Life. age and experience have taught me a lot.