Why didnt God make all creatures herbavours? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Why didnt God make all creatures herbavours?

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RATTER15 | 09:45 Sat 03rd Dec 2011 | Society & Culture
44 Answers

or did he like the idea of watching animals ripping each other apart in the most savage manner?

ive seen videos of tigers take down a buffalo and other animals and they are eating this disembowelled creature's insides while it is still struggling for freedom.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Im with jomifl, its all down to snakes and women!!! They got a lot to answer for.
are you a vegetarian?
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Hell no, I am a meat eater!!

But that has nothing to do with the question, I was a herbivore I wouldn't want meat would I
no, but unlike tigers, you can *make* yourself a herbivore if you feel strongly about it.
Is Ratty being devil's advocate?
Someone who likes dogs this much can't really be pro-veggie or worry much about what the good lord makes dogs do.
I suspect he wishes God had made his dogs to eat birdseed; much cheaper
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Im certainly not a veggie (however my Daughter is and it winds me up) and my dogs only eat raw meat.

I posed the question because I don't understand how people think God is so perfect when he created animals that kill other animals to survive, if they were all herbivores they wouldn't need to do this.
Still, if times get really hard, a big dog like that will fill the freezer nicely.....(ducks and runs behind sofa)
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How can you say that about my furkids!!!!!!!! :(
What about Man has turned to the animals in his quest for answers to perplexing questions about how to improve and sustain, even temporarily, his own imperfect life. However, the use of animals in medical research raises significant moral and ethical issues that are not easy to resolve.
Old Geezer - Reply to your post 09:56, sorry to come to this a bit late.
Animals high up on the present food chain do manage to survive eating only veg. I think of elephant, giraffe, rhino and hippo all among the largest mammals. The largest sauropods at 100 tons were herbivores eg the Argentinosaurus.
In comparison, it seems that the largest known carnivore ever was Spinosaurus, which weighed 7 or 8 tons (rather smaller than an elephant and much smaller than the largest herbivore dinosaurs).
If you're using science in your argument, best to get your facts right.
Animals high in the food chain do not eat vegetation (much). Giraffes are low in the food chain as they eat vegetation, the primary (photosynthetic) source of energy. To be high in the food chain you have to be a carnivore that eats a carnivore etc. A whale eats fish which eat zooplankton which eats phytoplankton. A Japanese person eats a whale, this puts him/her higher up the food chain. The higher you are up the food chain the less food there is available which is why there are fewer carnivores the higher up the food chain you go.
The largest known carnivore is alive today and weighs up to 180 metric tons, it is the blue whale which eats krill and in food chain terms it is the lowest form of carnivore as the krill eat plants (phytoplankton)
OG - Apologies, I mis-understood your post.
However, reading it again, I see that all you are saying is that animals with bodies suitable for obtaining nourishment from meat, eat meat. This is just tautology and does not answer the question "Why are there such animals?".
read your Bible. God demands animal sacrifices all over the place in the old testament. There are over a hundred references to sacrificing lambs, but goats and doves and other creatures are in there too. Not to mention the Ram in the thicket.
God loves blood, fresh hot blood of a newly killed sacrificial animal. He demands it.
Can't see him giving up the blood and settling for a sacrifice of a few mushrooms or lentils , can you ?
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Almost all sea going animals are carnivores. If they were all herbivorous, where would they get their herbage from?

Many traditional herbivores are not strictly so. Many many many years ago when I spend my holidays on a farm in Holland, the cows in the sheds in winter had to have supplements to their herbage to offset the lack of insects they ingested during grazing. I forget how much but it was estimated to be kilos per month.

If you think about it, all grazing and browsing herbivores must have a considerable animal intake.
LOL naomi, is that the fires of hell stoking up the eternal barbecue?
I remember this song from the 'Barry Mackensie' strip in Private eye many years ago.
I got about to reading, in an old 'sky pilots ' book.
About two starkers b@stards that made The Lord go Crook.
It reckoned it was a serpent that made, Eve the apple take,
Christ ! that wern't no flaming serpent,
It was Adam's One eyed trouser snake.
Wildwood, You are incorrect, most seagoing animals are herbivores, they outumber the carnivores by orders of magnitude in number and biomass. The 'herbage' in the oceans is in the form of phytoplankton,mostly microscopic single celled plants. Most of the carnivores are small crustaceans, typically copepods which carnivorous fish like herrings and sprats eat to be eaten themselves by fish like tuna. You are correct if you meant that almost all seagoing mammals are carnivores, but not all of them as manatees for example are herbivores which eat macro-algae or seaweed.

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