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jimbojabba | 23:43 Wed 07th Dec 2011 | Society & Culture
44 Answers
Which country has the fewest black people?


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Maybe the answer's Jamaica "as they've all come here"
boom boom
It must be China.
not necessarily... according to this

there are 100,000 just in Canton (I have no idea of the authority or accuracy of this, obviously).
That's it! Now you can go!
There was a program on the TV decade or so ago about the only 'black' person living in Iceland. As an earlier post said 'define black'
To be a bit obtuse, although not divided into "countries" the answer has to be the continent of Antarctica.

It has no permanent residents and a population of between 1,000 (winter) and 5,000 (summer) scientists and support staff. So it doesn't really matter what colour they are!
Antarctica is not a country though...
Quite true, jomifl. But, as continents are usually (but not in this case) a collection of countries, I thought it might qualify.
NJ, it might yet qualify depending on what Jimbo's question was after. I wasn't sure whether it meant fewest in absolute terms or lowest percentage of 'blacks' in the population.
Good point jomifl and also the degree of integration between different ethnic groups
Yes Seadogg, do get an accurate figure you would need to know the percentage 'black' or 'white' of every member of the population, which is a ludicrously impossible and pointless exercise.;-)
Why do you want to know Jimbo?
The way things are going, it might be Zimbabwe in a few years.
Question Author
thanks for helping. i dont get it tho. what do you mean define black people/??? is it not obvius what a black person is? serius. thasnks
Do you mean fewest in percentage terms or absolute terms?

If the latter, it may be one of these as these are the countries with the smallest total populations

Falkland Islands (UK) population 3,000
Niue (NZ)1,000
Tokelau (NZ) 1,000
Vatican City 800
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hi factor20. really was tryin to prove my friend wrong about Israel but i mean like least percent i guess. so must be Vatican then? its all vicars and stuff that live there
and there are no black vicars?

btw i think you mean priests (app if you black you can't be a priest)
Jimbo, Re. black or white, I don't quite know where to start, but here is a first try. If by black or white you are refering to skin colour only, then there is a variation of skin colour between very black (nobody is completely black) and completely white (albinos( who have no melanin pigment at all in their skin)) We are all somewhere in between. If you mean african then what part of africa as some africans are paler than some europeans. To label anyone 'black' or 'White' is naive and simplistic and is a qualification for membership of the Ku Klux Klan.
I know there's at least 1 in Vatican City. He's a bishop from some central African country who was called to Rome because of his attempts to marry Catholicism and native religion.
I wouldn't be surprised if they had him in an oubliette under St Peters.
not sure how you define white,

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