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My pet dog may have just saved a life...

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sandyRoe | 00:57 Wed 04th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
During a break in the rain this evening I took my dog out for its walk. On the way back it started to rain again and I took a short cut through a street I wouldn't normally use. I saw an old man lying in his garden. He'd slipped and couldn't get up. I helped him back to his feet and into his house.
If it hadn't been for the dog he could have been lying in the cold and rain all night.
What can I get for Missy as a reward for her demanding to go for her walk?


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Thank goodness you were there sandy...think she deserves a nice slap up meal lol something she'd really enjoy? Hope the man is going to be ok, must have been terrible for him and a real shock for you.
My dog demands his 'Walkies' rain or shine, he found a wallet once with credit cards, I managed to find the owner and returned it , he bought the dog a bone as a reward.
What a nightmare...for all concerned.
Well done you and the dog, Sandy, but it must have been pretty scary going up to the man and not knowing what you'd find.
well done, sandy and woof.
Google pizzles, they love em,
It is nice to hear a story with a happy ending - hope the old guy is okay. Get her something special to eat - or dog treats.
Ah what a nice story thankfully with a happy ending, I do hope the elderly man is ok? Does he live on his own? Perhaps you and Missy should check on him in the morning just in case of delayed shock. He must be very grateful to you both. You and Missy deserve a reward :)
Well done sandy and missy give her lots of cuddles and fussing, and in the morning get her some special treats.
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He does live alone. I think his wife passed on just over a year ago. He wasn't lying, as I said, but sitting in his garden near the gate.
His house was warm when I helped him in and he didn't seen much the worse for wear after his slip. But I will call around there in the morning.
Missy will get an extra Schmacko bar in the morning as a reward.
Very likedly your dog did save the guys life, hypothermia is a very real possibility in that situation.
well done sandy...its a good job you and missy were out and about...
A nice steak bone... yummy! I think Missy will enjoy that!
maybe a new friendship sandy? i ended up helping an old lady in our area,and it turned into me visiting every day for a wee bit of shopping etc for her,and she had all the local gossip and news that me as a blow in.didnt have;-)we worked well for 6 good years!
Good on you sandyRoe..and Missy!
..and very fortunate for the old boy..You should all meet up today,to see if everything is OK..and so you can both give Missy a good pat,an attagirl and a juicy bone! :-)
Well done, Sandy and Missy.
Hi Sandy well done to Missy , ( my hound is called Missy ) take your dog round to the chaps for a visit if you get time a pat on her head from the old man might be all she needs. xx
Give the dog a bone!

Excellent - what a lovely story - give Missy an extra walk today (that's all my two would want) :+)
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A bit of an update. I saw the old chap being driven along in his daughters car this morning. He waved out and seems none the worse for his accident.
All's well that ends well. :-)

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