@Joko - Well, its semantics I guess. I just dont understand the need for the term agnostic. It must mean something to those who choose to label themselves as agnostic, otherwise they would be atheist, no?
So, it would appear that for some, the term atheist is too,- what? fundamentalist? Whereas as a point of fact, all the term atheist means is to have a non- belief in any deity. So, what is it about the term agnostic that is different?Why is it needed at all?
As best i can tell from the reference books, agnostics term themselves as such because on balance they don't think it likely that there is a god, they also believe it will be forever unknown, that we can never find the evidence - And I personally think this untrue.I think, in time, science will show that there is no room for a god.
I just dont think that the question of whether you believe in a god or not is a 3 state solution. Either you do, or you dont. To describe yourself as an agnostic to me does seem to be a kind of compromise cop - out. An attempt to say to theists that I disbelieve in god, but I do not want to be offensive about it. But why should theists be offended at meeting an atheist?
Thats why i think its a compromise, a fence- sitting option,an I-dont-want-to-offend-anyone option, and if you think thats a childish view, well thats your view, and we will have to agree to disagree.