Society & Culture29 mins ago
diet of muslim
21 Answers
Not sure where to post this question. It is not intended to offend anyone! If a person is a practicing muslim do they all have the same diet. Are there any other rules regarding cleanliness that they would follow (dirty hand, clean hand, running water etc) Are can muslims have different rules? thankyou
p.s This is to help me to deliver a presentation on how "mohammed and his wife will care for his new stoma" (fictional characters)
p.s This is to help me to deliver a presentation on how "mohammed and his wife will care for his new stoma" (fictional characters)
Mohammed and his wife would wish to manage the stoma by handling it with their left hand if possible - since the left hand is for unclean things and the right is for eating.
They do all have the same prohibitions in their diets, no pork, no alcohol (but as has been said before, some Muslims will be more exemplary than others, one size will not fit all!) A Muslim...
18:18 Wed 18th Apr 2012
Mohammed and his wife would wish to manage the stoma by handling it with their left hand if possible - since the left hand is for unclean things and the right is for eating.
They do all have the same prohibitions in their diets, no pork, no alcohol (but as has been said before, some Muslims will be more exemplary than others, one size will not fit all!) A Muslim likes to wash himself in running water after going to the toilet, you will often find a jug of water by the loo for this purpose - so fresh water for washing the stoma area will be appreciated.
Please be aware though that different people will follow their religious guidances in different ways, and will do whatever is practical to keep themselves clean.
Ceremonial washing before the five daily prayers is essential to a practising Muslim, one cannot pray if one's body or clothing is soiled.
They do all have the same prohibitions in their diets, no pork, no alcohol (but as has been said before, some Muslims will be more exemplary than others, one size will not fit all!) A Muslim likes to wash himself in running water after going to the toilet, you will often find a jug of water by the loo for this purpose - so fresh water for washing the stoma area will be appreciated.
Please be aware though that different people will follow their religious guidances in different ways, and will do whatever is practical to keep themselves clean.
Ceremonial washing before the five daily prayers is essential to a practising Muslim, one cannot pray if one's body or clothing is soiled.
Scroll down to the Muslim Patient section in this document, this is really helpful
What an interesting my ignorance I would imagine that the prophet would leave this to his wife....I am interested to see if any Muslims in the medical profession answer this. Oh, incidentally, Mohammed should really have a capital letter. Certainly, the area of cleaning would have to be done using the left hand which is very awkward. Have you thought of approaching your local mosque? Or asking a male friend to approach them?
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It isn't possible to manage a stoma with one hand – and washing the area five times a day for prayer (and I very much doubt that any stoma patient could realistically face doing that) would not guarantee it remaining clean for any length of time. People with stomas have no control whatsoever over that particular bodily function. Additionally, dietary restrictions necessarily go beyond those imposed by religion. In my (considerable) experience of people with stomas, lifestyle changes are unavoidable - even for non-Muslims.
In Islam cleanliness is considered half of the religion according to one saying of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is clearly emphasised by performing Wuzu (ablution) five times a day before prayer. That cleans your hand, arms, face, ears, nose, and feet. Then keeping your figure nails trimmed and washing your hand before eating is necessary. In day to day cleaning it is better to use left hand however if it is difficult for any reason then there is no restriction. Reasons behind this are far more than just having a dirty hand and a clean hand but I will not go into details.
However in a situation where someone has any problem (stoma) or anything else then Islam is a very easy religion and even allows people to prayer without ablution if for any medical reason it is difficult to perform or difficult to keep. As for diet, there are few things that are forbidden in Islam apart from that everything is allowed but Islam forbids (or dislikes) eating too much. When it comes to life and death situation then even the things that are not allowed becomes allowed. Because Islam believes in one golden rule that actions are dependent upon intentions. As long as your intention was right then there is always flexibility. I hope it helps.
However in a situation where someone has any problem (stoma) or anything else then Islam is a very easy religion and even allows people to prayer without ablution if for any medical reason it is difficult to perform or difficult to keep. As for diet, there are few things that are forbidden in Islam apart from that everything is allowed but Islam forbids (or dislikes) eating too much. When it comes to life and death situation then even the things that are not allowed becomes allowed. Because Islam believes in one golden rule that actions are dependent upon intentions. As long as your intention was right then there is always flexibility. I hope it helps.
That cleanliness applies only to hands, arms, face, ears, nose, and feet is not entirely true. Menstruating women are not allowed to enter mosques unless they are simply en route to another location. They are considered unclean. However, as Keyplus says, Islam does allow special concessions for some other unavoidable conditions.
I hope that link helps, ilovemarkb.
I hope that link helps, ilovemarkb.
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"Not sure where to post this question. It is not intended to offend anyone!"
Why would asking a simple question offend anybody?
Are people now so scared of offending people (and by people I mean Muslims) that even asking a question about them requires the qualification that the question isn't meant to offend?
Why would asking a simple question offend anybody?
Are people now so scared of offending people (and by people I mean Muslims) that even asking a question about them requires the qualification that the question isn't meant to offend?