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Why insult Mohammad?

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flobadob | 00:14 Thu 20th Sep 2012 | Society & Culture
135 Answers
There seems to be a lot of effort in recent years to insult Mohammad, seemingly just for the heck of it. This has led to a lot of unpleasantness due to Muslims feeling they need to protest against this sort of thing and so in and so forth.

So why bother insulting him in the first place, what does it achieve?


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That would be pro-islamic propoganda then

Not something our free-ish UK media are very interested in and quite rightly so

I'm sure it happens in Iran/Pakistan/Saudi etc etc
what i meant was that if you show bad muslims than you should also be willing to show the good as well.
<show bad muslims>

what are bad muslims??

if you mean muslims doing bad things such as killing innocent people in Iraqi street markets it is the event that is the 'news'

muslims doing 'good things'; giving money to charity, winning a medal at the olympics etc get coverage to the extent those events are newsworthy
They should have these more often..

I'll try to respond to chakka35 's point @17.52 ( i'm a bit late , i went out for a couple of hrs.)
I'll try to make a non religious analogy .Supposing I meet somebody in the street and get talking to them , not about religion ,about any subject , and I find something that he's sensitive about , something that irks him .
Supposing that I keep on and on about it , really winding him up . Supposing i realise full well that he may end up punching me on the nose , but I still keep ranting away . He eventually punches me on the nose . Under those circumstances I would not expect anyone to defend my right to free speech .
I stand by what I said , insulting somebody is not freedom of speech . I expect people will disagree and criticise me - that's fair enough .
(I must stress that I am not justifying the violence - I'm just trying to make an analogy with what's taken place) .
I may be mistaken but I think the ABed had his post removed from P1 of this thread. Which ex mod had that rush of blood?
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//Your first point that it is an 'insult' to muslims to show an image of mohammed completely ignores the fact that not everyone is a muslim and therefore islamic law does not apply to them//

ok, say then if i drew an image mocking jews (not that i am going to) then people would complain. If you say "no they wont" than it has been proven that in the past it has happened and i bet you if i started saying rude things about jews or drawing insulting images i would be arrested or fined.

If i drew an image mocking black people, same thing, i could be arrested or fined.

It seems like this law does not apply to muslims however, and they can be mocked as much as people like.
//Do you get it Sith... sorry Lightbulb?//

also i can recall in the past someone saying that i was being "childish" to keep denying i wasnt sith, which i am not sith. If anything, you look like the one being childish. Thats all im going to say on that matter.
Well, they certainly can't be mocked with impunity. The family of Theo Van Gogh could testify to that.
Lightbulb (Sith), Not such a good link. The author of the blurb is ignorant of Islamic depictions of Mohammed – as, it would appear, are many Muslims.

//The Prophet is a sacred figure for Muslims and he’s not to be depicted even in books or movies.//

Scroll down here to ‘Figurative visual depictions’.

Mohammed was the founder of a fascist cult. Fascism should be resisted in any way possible.

Hilter also founded a fascist cult but was ignored for far to long.
yes, but do you ever see mohammeds face drawn by muslims naomi?
You just have. Look at the pictures. They were drawn by Muslims.
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The fact still applies, and i for one am finished after saying this, if you know they are going to over react (they being muslims) than why do it? yes, of course, you will say free speech and right to free expression and all that. But if they know its going to put innocent lives on the line and that there will or may be bad consequences afterwards, than why do it? and you cannot simply say free speech yet again as due to this, a few muslims out there have taken upon themselves to kill innocent people, taking away their right to life. And i for one believe that if you know people might suffer due to this, dont do it as right to life is far more important than their right to speech. Yes, you will say its muslims killing those people, but as a result of what? this video is indirectly affecting it.

I will respond to this if anyone replies, otherwise i am finished.
Lightbulb, so what are you suggesting? The rest of the world relinquishes its right to free speech because it's being bullied?
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