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Are you boycotting Amazon and Starbucks?

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Infomaniac | 10:49 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
I have decided to boycott Amazon and Starbucks because of their aggressive UK tax avoidance schemes. I know what they are doing is not illegal but it is highly questionable morally to avoid paying tax in the country in which you earn the money. Does anyone else feel this way too?


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"Morality doesnt come into it" What? So now companies are not obliged to operate in a moral or ethical fashion?

What companies are doing might be legal, but that does not mean we just have to accept it. Individuals, acting alone, can do very little to persuade a company to change its strategy - but many individual consumers, acting in concert, and...
11:41 Wed 21st Nov 2012
Have never stepped into a Starbucks..but use Amazon all the no !
If the government where that bothered they should close the loopholes instead of allowing these companies do it. In answer to your question, my purse doesn't allow me to have too many principles.
I don't patronise Starbucks but use Amazon all the time for both buying and selling...
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Me too, Murraymints, so my boycott of Starbucks will have no effect whatsoever! I use Amazon a lot too but am a bit aggrieved about their stance on paying UK tax.
I have never been in a Starbucks but I do use Amazon occasionally.
I try to avoid Amazon because they are decimating the book industry. Borders book chain closed for ever. Waterstones forced to sell the Kindle that will eventually put their shops out of business. Before long, we will have to sit in dark rooms, downloading eBooks, and never leave our houses. We shop online, socialise online, get books online. Parents should FORCE their kids to sit in their rooms playing computer games because THAT, ladies and gentlemen, will be their entire future ... if Amazon have their way.

Rant over.

I might boycott Starbucks, except first thing in the morning, or if I have to go on a train, or a car journey. Or if I'm shopping, sometimes.
No, the loopholes need changing. Simple as that. I think it is likely to happen.

I don't use Starbucks anyway.
no I am not boycotting Amazon or Starbucks. they are in compliance with the law as it stands.
Don't even know if we've got a 'local' Starbucks!
JJ, that won't happen because Amazon sell books, not just kindles.
Yes, Amazon sell books ... as do bookshops.

Or at least, as bookshops USED to do ... until Amazon came along?
No, I'm not boycotting them.

I'm not going to purposely pay more for something than I could pay on Amazon just because the Gov don't seem to have a clue what's going on.
JJ I used to be a huge Borders fan and would spend money in there every week. I got fed up though of asking them to order me books and being told that they couldn't get them as "It doesn't appear on our list" I would go in there with author, title, ISBN and they would STILL refuse to get me the book. I still used to go in there to browse but I transferred most of my custom to our small local bookstore who had less to browse but could get me any book I wanted. Sadly they closed last year when the owner retired so I now do all my book shopping at Amazon as Waterstones is a hike for me to get to and their prices are shocking.
I was just disputing this

"Parents should FORCE their kids to sit in their rooms playing computer games because THAT, ladies and gentlemen, will be their entire future ... if Amazon have their way."

Amazon, I'm sure, will continue to sell books.
I've only ever been in a Starbucks once... (I don't like coffee!)

I use Amazon too much to stop using it. I hardly have time to go the shops so it's just about the only chance I have to do some shopping! And I don't have a kindle, very rarely do I download music. If i'm paying for something, I wan't something physical for my money!
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I understand the argument that people will go for the cheapest option available, but Amazon is not always the cheapest. Buying on the internet means you can shop around - I think some of us (me included) often use Amazon as the default option because it is so easy. I agree with those of you who say that the Government should close the loopholes in the law that enable these companies to avoid paying UK tax, but in the meantime our Exchequer is losing out. Our high tax regime has a lot to answer for.
And while they (Amazon/Starbucks) carry on showing a massive turnover it might encourage the Government to close those loopholes sooner rather than later.
Totally agree Evian. I use Amazon all the time for convenience, excellent quick delivery service and much much cheaper prices. They sell everything now, not just books! I would not boycott a company purely for polical reasons and make myself suffer from having to pay higher prices, it's not being selfish, it's looking after one's finances. I am sorry bookshops have gone out of business, but they should try lowering their prices to compete - common sense marketing strategy! .......... some will lose out, thats retail business I'm afraid .....
JJ, I think we've discussed this before. We don't all have oodles of spare cash lying around that lets us pay over the odds for things we want/need. We also might not have the time to have jolly little walks round the shops in the hope that they MIGHT have what we want in stock.

I don't know why you're singling out books. Things change, get over it.
Info..agree...Amazon soooo easy to use and everything is there at the push of a button...I also use HMV as on line shop is cheaper than their own retail outlets !

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