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10 Things You Might Not Know...

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jake-the-peg | 15:37 Wed 05th Jun 2013 | Society & Culture
40 Answers
about India

What should I put in the list of 10 things you might not know about Britain for my Indian staff?


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There are more Manchester United fans in Mumbai, that there are in Manchester.
22:09 Wed 05th Jun 2013
that we like warm beer,
On special occasions you should go to the town square in front of the town hall and wait for the Mayor to throw buns at you. Take an upturned umbrella to catch as many buns as possible.
Well they do in Abingdon, at any rate
I'm moving to Abingdon!
There are more Manchester United fans in Mumbai, that there are in Manchester.
8 out of 10 people in Suffolk are called Kevin.
only little people pay tax.
..which is still more than do in India.
I don't most Indians' income would qualify them to pay tax here either.
That is very true, fred! And that we stop for pedestrians at zebra crossings (usually)
If we've got something good then we don't usually flaunt it!!
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Like some of those - I might even use the Manchester United fans in Mumbai one - I'll bet it's true

I can't verify it jake, but I'd bet it's true as well.
deodorant healthy? how so? not when it is a substitute for a wash.
Having used those disgusting toilets that you used to find all over France back in the 60's and the 70's, I'm somewhat surprised that the Indians didn't feel right at home.

I was in Rome two years ago and had to use a similar toilet in a bloody restaurant for goodness sake !

I know it rains a lot here in Britain, our NHS is going down the pan, and we all drive too fast and too close on the M4 but, by God, we have managed to get the toilets sorted out at least !
Ah, but mikey the French, when they got round to it, installed those toilets where you have to flush and stand well back because that releases a sudden torrent of water worthy of Niagara. And, of course, you're in the dark. French toilets often have lighting that only comes on when you lock the door; locals know this and have their hand ready poised. Plus, it has a timer which plunges you into darkness and fumbling for the glow worm level indicator on the switch.

However,there is one example of proper French toilet logic. Often you find that the seat is up but spring- loaded. Your weight holds it down. When you get up, it springs back to the vertical; the result is no wet seats.
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Ludwig, why would the Isle of Wight be bothered about the mainland floating off?
Women are not subservient to men in England.
I wish they'd bring back the antispitting laws here again, it's revolting.
That lots of us were overawed that their Hindu religion was Vegetarian, which enouraged us to be the same, and that they should remain Vegetarians to continue to set Brits an example, not copy our excessive meat-eating habits.

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