ChatterBank3 mins ago
Please Answer My Question?
35 Answers
If you were treated with no respect at all because of you were not the most attractive, how would you deal with it? I am a 32 year old female, and because I am not the most attractive, I am not treated with much respect at all from people. The majority of the time when I go out some place like the grocery store, out to eat with relatives, no matter where it is, I am often laughed at and called ugly, get doors slammed in my face, have people make very rude sarcastic remarks towards me. For example, I was inside of a Little Caesars Restaurant when there were 2 guys looking and pointing at me laughing, talking very loudly inside of the restaurant about "ugly" I am. These guys look to be in their late 20's or early 30's. They don't even know me. It's like society hates you if are not attractive and thinks you are not worthy of respect. Because I often deal with people like this when I go out, I have started living like a Hermit because I just don't want to be around people like this. I don't go out any place unless I really have to. If you were me, would you do if you were in my shoes? Honest answers please. And thanks a lot for taking the time to read this and respond.
If someone hides away from the world, for whatever reason, they're letting the bullies win. If people thought that they were as good as any and better than most, whatever a bully did or said wouldn't matter.
23:34 Mon 24th Feb 2014
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If all these awful things do happen to you, you need to build up your self esteem. There are very few really pretty/handsome people in the world, everyone has flaws, not just you. Find something that fills you with confidence, try helping out people who are less able than you, show the world you have something worthwhile to offer that doesnt revolve around the way you look. Good luck, dont let the bast***s grind you down!
I'll bet anything that you're not actually ugly, and even if you were, so what? if people are stupid enough only to look at your face and body, without getting to know you, it's their loss, not yours. It sounds as if you have got into a mindset that everyone thinks you're unworthy - it sounds too much of a coincidence that complete strangers are behaving like this. Next time two strange men snigger at you - go up to them and challenge them. I bet they weren't Mr Universe, either.
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Most people are not great looking. Look around any supermarket, restaurant, anywhere and there will hardly ever be anyone who stands out as attractive.
If someone slams a door in your face, they are just rude. It's nothing to do with what you look like.
I bet those guys in the restaurant were just laughing at something else, not you, and has been said before, I bet they weren't all that attractive anyway.
If someone slams a door in your face, they are just rude. It's nothing to do with what you look like.
I bet those guys in the restaurant were just laughing at something else, not you, and has been said before, I bet they weren't all that attractive anyway.
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If you pour beer over peoples heads they have won because you have descended to their level, Jesus preach forgiveness, and Oscar Wilde said;
"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much."
It is an interesting fact that when those women considered to be the most beautiful are asked what they think of their own appearance, they all invariably think there is something wrong with themselves and would like to some features changed.
"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much."
It is an interesting fact that when those women considered to be the most beautiful are asked what they think of their own appearance, they all invariably think there is something wrong with themselves and would like to some features changed.
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khandro //Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much." //
When has that ever been true ?? They are more likely to believe it confirms what they said. What is more the victim feels even more humiliated .
If a bully is given a good hiding, physically or verbally, that will do more good than all the pious forgiving in the world.
What bouncer said //..........she picked one of their full pints of beer and poured it over their heads , to a round of applause from customers //
probably IMO did more good than all your pious platitudes. Obviously all the other customers thought so. I bet those Yobbos will think a bit more carefully the next time they pick on somebody.
When has that ever been true ?? They are more likely to believe it confirms what they said. What is more the victim feels even more humiliated .
If a bully is given a good hiding, physically or verbally, that will do more good than all the pious forgiving in the world.
What bouncer said //..........she picked one of their full pints of beer and poured it over their heads , to a round of applause from customers //
probably IMO did more good than all your pious platitudes. Obviously all the other customers thought so. I bet those Yobbos will think a bit more carefully the next time they pick on somebody.
I would not rate the people's view who only see what is at the surface. Looks are not as important as what the person is inside. As long as you are a good and caring person then you should not care about what people think as you will never even be able to make every single person think the way you want them to think. However you can always change how you think and react. When I was a little boy, my mother used to tell us a story.
There were a father and son walking with their donkey.
1 - One person saw and said that how stupid they were as they had a donkey but they were both walking. So they both jumped on the donkey,
2 - Another person saw and said that how cruel they were to the animal. So father decided to walk,
3 - Someone else passed by and shouted at the son that how disrespectful he was as he was riding on the donkey and poor old father was walking. So they swapped.
4 - Again someone shouted at father they he was making his son walk and himself was riding on the donkey. So the only option left was that they would carry the donkey on their shoulders and they did.
5 - People still laughed at them that they were carrying the donkey instead of riding on him.
Result, do not give a damn about what people say as long as you know that you are not hurting anyone. And people like those men you mentioned are just junk, so don't worry about their opinion. And the golden rule of life is never rate your own self with anyone else in this world. You are what you are and they are what they are.
There were a father and son walking with their donkey.
1 - One person saw and said that how stupid they were as they had a donkey but they were both walking. So they both jumped on the donkey,
2 - Another person saw and said that how cruel they were to the animal. So father decided to walk,
3 - Someone else passed by and shouted at the son that how disrespectful he was as he was riding on the donkey and poor old father was walking. So they swapped.
4 - Again someone shouted at father they he was making his son walk and himself was riding on the donkey. So the only option left was that they would carry the donkey on their shoulders and they did.
5 - People still laughed at them that they were carrying the donkey instead of riding on him.
Result, do not give a damn about what people say as long as you know that you are not hurting anyone. And people like those men you mentioned are just junk, so don't worry about their opinion. And the golden rule of life is never rate your own self with anyone else in this world. You are what you are and they are what they are.
modeller; //If a bully is given a good hiding, physically or verbally, that will do more good than all the pious forgiving in the world.//
I will go along with the verbal, but as Mahatma Gandhi said;
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
though perhaps he was also too 'pious' for you.
I will go along with the verbal, but as Mahatma Gandhi said;
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
though perhaps he was also too 'pious' for you.