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This Made Me Laugh Today

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Tilly2 | 20:35 Tue 22nd Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
My Dad's in hospital at the moment and when I visited him this afternoon, he was asleep, so I just sat by his bed quietly.

The old chap in the next bed, John, started chatting to me about this and that and then suddenly he became very conspiratorial and started whispering:-

John,'We've got a famous person in here.'
Tilly, 'Have you? Where?'
J, 'Over there, that one there.'
T, 'Who is he?'
J, 'Don't you recognise him?'
T, 'He does look familiar.'
J, 'Football team manager.'
T, (Wracking my brain for Bedford Town manager's name) Who is he then?'
J, Ferguson, Alex Ferguson.'
T, Alex Ferguson? What's he doing here?'
J, Same as the rest of us. He's poorly.'

I laughed 'til I cried. John didn't seem to mind and I woke my dad up.


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oh tilly - i hope it's not too serious with your father
Hi Tilly,hope you are well and best wishes to your dad.

If the guy in the bed was chewing gum it was Sir Alex...
Question Author
Pneumonia and kidney damage, excel. I don't know what will happen. He seems to pull through lots of crises. Fingers crossed.
Hope dads gonna be ok, maybe Fergie is going to be Bedford Towns new manager ;-)
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He wasn't chewing gum but then again he was asleep as well.
Maybe it was just a lookalike, I hope your Dad gets well.
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John and I then speculated about the visitors Alex might have.
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Thanks for the best wishes, everyone.

The chap did look very familiar. Where does Alex Ferguson live?
Hi Tilly, I hope your dad's ok and Fergie is in America
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Oh, is it not him then? What a let down. Hi, sibs.
Hope dad is better soon tilly xx
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Thanks, minty and sibs. xx
I hope your dad is better soon xx
Question Author
Thanks, pixie. I'm sure he will pull through this. He's a fighter.
Sir Alex lives about a mile from me Tilly - I'll check on him tomorrow if you like, can always ask his Missus
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Thanks, Captain. Don't upset her, though, by saying, 'Do you know your husband's in Bedford Hospital?'
Tilly,if theres even the slightest chance its Sir Alex make sure you confiscate his hair dryer (perhaps when hes asleep...)
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Why,ag? Is his hair dryer more famous than he is?
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Captain, does his Missus speak English or does she sound like him?
Sir Alex was famous for his ranting or 'hairdryer' treatment!

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