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I Feel So Ashamed

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lady-janine | 17:12 Tue 12th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

this is very difficult for me but the other day I forgot a special date. I have tried to make amends but been rebuffed. how do I cope with not being perfect in every way?

I must admit to not being very good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, etc.


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Looks like you'll have to let him use your tools without asking you first now, lj.
Oh heck.....someone close?

I wouldn't be ashamed. I think most people expect it from me.
don't worry people forget things ,why were you concerned again
Four "Our Fathers"; ten "Hail Marys"; and fifteen minutes of self-imposed flagellation...That'll learn yer.
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tony - no way. i'm not that ashamed!

because I seem to do it most years unless I am reminded. you'd think after 25/30 years i'd remember.

why can't he remind me?
No one is perfect - the other person is behaving poorly if they are rebuffing your apologies.
Why do you feel guilty when it is his fault for not reminding you?
LadyJ...I could never remember our wedding when MrG smugly presented his card and pressie I told him I "forgot" out of kindness to he could have the pleasure of feeling smug....once a year....☺
mrs o for best answer, lol!
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because by now I should have thought of several other reasons, not just "well, you never said anything. I can't remember everything. most things but not everything." and "oh dear I have been so busy thinking of important things".

Why do you feel guilty when it is his fault for not reminding you?

Yeah but she forgot to remind him to remind her.
give him an iou for a naughty evening...
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mamy I even offered to take him to his favourite restaurant (arm and leg job) and was told no, it was too late.

so I've done nothing. but it niggles.
Don't you have a diary for dates/appointments in your pc - or send yourself an e-mail with all your key dates on it and keep it in your e-box, checking it monthly (that's what I do).
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no tony. I just didn't give it a thought.
Tony - that was feeble ;-)
Special date, shmeschal date. People need to grow up.
Well, if it's the OH tell him you're divorcing him and marrying someone else on a memorable Christmas Day.....xx
Oh well lj, as Mamya said 'No one is perfect', wish I had a pound for everytime I've forgotten something. Don't beat yourself up about it.

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