Lynn_M - //Yes, those garments are ridiculous and like the article says, they're incompatible with the values of France, or Europe for that matter
It's nice to see that France has finally grown a bit of backbone, though ultimately, like the rest of Europe, they need to completely rid themselves of this incompatible culture //
The notion of what is acceptable, or indeed 'compatible' I terms of what terms of what should be worn on a beach has to be a personal choice.
I would like to ban fat people with tattoos and sunburn from the beach, but that would make me priggish, superior, snobbish and utterly unreasonable, and quite rightly so.
I accept that not everyone on the beach is going to look like a contestant from 'Love Island', but that does not give me the right to discriminate against them.
If these ladies choose to cover up, for whatever reason, social, religious, health, personal preference, then that should be their right, and the notion of official intervention is high-handed and inappropriate.