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redvanman | 15:25 Thu 01st Sep 2016 | Society & Culture
23 Answers
I say that religion is man made to control people can any one prove me wrong
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Would you accept it if someone did?
Yes, but you'd never believe me, I chose to go to church. Nobody has ever made me go.
If so it hasn't worked has it? People have always run amok, believers and non believers alike .
No - no one can prove you wrong; just like you can't prove yourself to be correct .... unless you can fully substantiate your claim ??
Well religion sure not invented by goldfish!

Are we sure of that ^^?
Whilst it is fairly obvious there is an element of leaders using it for controlling the people, it doesn't mean that the basis is invalid.

But by the nature of spiritual matters there is no obvious proof: although if you took the time to experience, with an open mind, the evidence given by good mediums you may find there are things for which the most simple answer is that there is more to existence than this material world; and start to be less dismissive of groups who try to explain their beliefs regarding it.

But ultimately your question isn't a reasonable one. It boils down to, "I think this impossible to prove thing is untrue, can anyone prove this impossible to prove thing is true to me ?"

Or I suggest you wait until you depart this mortal coil and discover what actually is, for yourself.
why would I want to? You are entitled to your opinion
Actually I think you are half right.

I believe that when man first became sentient and realised they were different from baser animals they needed a reason for being. If all life was nothing but survival and death then there seemed to be no reason to it.

So in order to make sence of their being they made the decision to believe that there must be something better waiting to take the pain and drudge out of life. Thus religion was born.

Because this was done at a relatively early stage in our evolutionary life it became ingrained within us to at the very least WANT something more and not want the finality of death. Otherwise what's the point?
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Please don't answer if you cant prove me wrong
So you posted a thread you don't want answers to because it can't be proven.
Why would anyone want an empty thread ?
Must be easier ways of being ignored.
Just for argument's sake, we were born in our creator's image, ( who is more knowledgable /spiritually intelligent than us,) then why wouldn't we want to be more like that? Always questioning our existence, why are we here etc.. Don't shout at me, it's just a theory!...
I've reported my reply , seems like the OP wants to be alone.
Greta Garbo famously wanted to be alone too...
What a bizarre post. You do have track record for unusual posts but this has taken you to the next level.

nope you are correct.
It`s also a way for men to control women.
Well, it's a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

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