I read something here about how years ago people weren’t easily contactable and it occurred to me that, whether at home or out and about, I’m rarely, if ever, without my mobile phone. Has yours become essential to you?
Very. I'm always on the phone, receiving and making text messages and other messages via apps, I use the camera and video all the time, the maps for directions and the internet whilst on the go which is a godsend so I'm not chained to the homes computer as my phone is essentially a mini computer.
I think you'd get different answers had the demographic being much younger who are always on the go as opposed to the who feel their phone is an "Anchor" but feel happy to be anchored to their computers at home.
I wouldn't say essential but at least 'important'.
How else is Mrs 9401 going to know when to stop ironing my socks and come to pick me up from the pub? :P
I bought a new one outright in Sept, took out a Sim only contract with Tesco, £10 a month gives me all I need nowadays, most people ring me. Having said that I'm never without it, a tenner a month is a great price to always be contactable.
Until I got a smart phone, I rarely remembered to carry it with me. Now it's with me all the time, but I don't use it a great deal for phone/text communication, I use it much more for:
Listening to audio books
Listening to music
Reminders and alarms
Looking stuff up
me neither, cupid. My hearing's not good enough to hear calls in crowds, on streets, in shops playing music etc. If people want me they can call me at home.
But as they are becoming more and more like small computers rather than communication devices I may end up getting one for the reason TheChair suggests. It is annoying for instance that parking charges are cheaper in some places if you pay by phone.
jno's comment reminded me of a couple of other uses:
Airport check ins - so much easier than having to print a board pass.
Finding restaurants and accommodation: when we got stranded because the ferries were cancelled due to the weather, I just said to my phone "find me a hotel within 15 Kilometres of my current location", booked it right there and then, and got directions on Google maps.