My schoolfriend (who worked for about 8 years) gets a full pension. I don't begrudge it - she had undiagnosed twins instead of No.3 - the birth was botched and the twins were brain-damaged. After years o f coping heroically on her own and her marriage disintegrating, she had a major, major breakdown (ended in intensive care -I was frantically ringing from France). She needs looking after and that is what the Welfare State should do I.M.O..
But, I don't get a full pension, worked as much as I could, balancing my maternal role with teaching. Did years on 'Supply' which is hard if you do it right, but did not (then) qualify for contributing toTeacher's Pension.
So, I have helped to provide for my friend, but receive a lot less than her. Seems odd.
OP Someone has to be at the bottom. Mum considered that there was no more poverty because every child had shoes - children went barefoot when she was young. It is relative.