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locusts | 11:43 Sun 22nd Jan 2017 | Society & Culture
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Is the supernatural apartment God's arrangement


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I believe in the supernatural.
Locusts, the question is why did God decide to create beings capable of disobeying him? We’re not talking about fallible human beings here who choose to steal, but about celestial creatures. God made all the decisions, this was his plan, and he could do whatever he wanted to do, so for one who, in his alleged perfection, desires peace and harmony that seems an illogical decision to have made.
hereIam, do you believe the 'supernatural' is 'supernatural'?
'Supernatural' surely means only beyond the visual and day-to-day, doesn't it? You need a definition of that before you can go any further.
Jourdain, a dictionary definition: //A manifestation or event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.//
Naomi24 - I concur with that. Why, when giving himself a blank canvas would God present problems for himself?

Unless, knowing he is the almighty and omniscient, he wanted to remind the miscreants that they should know their place in the world!
vortex. //Unless, knowing he is the almighty and omniscient, he wanted to remind the miscreants that they should know their place in the world! //

If that's so, it didn't work. Apparently, after all this time, Satan still has the upper hand. God’s alleged omniscience is highly debateable – and not only in this instance. ;o)

Naomi24 - I can imagine God is looking down now thinking: 'How to deal with a problem that is Naomi24' ! ;-)
Haaaaaaaa! Very good. :o)
An awful lot of trouble to go to . . . just for some pie.
^ Haha! Sperlatt! (Just practising). :o)
I don't quite understand your question at 19:01 Naomi, but your dictionary definition at 19:09 explains perfectly what happened to me once, not so very long ago, which is why I believe. It was, as the Americans would say, AWESOME !
Question Author
Mark as Best Answer
Locusts, the question is why did God decide to create beings capable of disobeying him? We’re not talking about fallible human beings here who choose to steal, but about celestial creatures. God made all the decisions, this was his plan, and he could do whatever he wanted to do, so for one who, in his alleged perfection, desires peace and harmony that seems an illogical decision to have made.

1 naomi24 the question is why did God decide to create beings capable of disobeying him?

Locusts, this would have created a robot without feelings and with out freedom or love and compassion. And would not be able to work on these own initiative. As in the law of creator

2 naomi24 God made all the decisions
Locusts, yes God made all the decisions yes but he also put the laws in place in disobeying him the did not put the laws in place just to be a statement of the imagination. The so celestial angels have their own code of conduct and rules to observe just like us on the earth. Where you could even say the law of the gravitate you would not jump out of a plane with out to parachute you know the law of gravity
Locusts //yes but he also put the laws in place in disobeying him //

I have to ask, why? It doesn't make sense.

Hopefully, Naomi24 can explain if I have missed something here.
Question Author
Mark as Best Answer

Locusts //yes but he also put the laws in place in disobeying him // 

I have to ask, why? It doesn't make sense. 

1 naomi24 the question is why did God decide to create beings capable of disobeying him? 

Locusts, let’s me analyse the question once again. God create them with the capable of disobeying him .
know he did not create them to be disobedience ,,but he did gave gave them freewill of mind . For this will give give them the ability and intelligence to know good from bad’ or right from wrong. With out this ability  (addressthe problem ), they would be stumbled

these celestial angels or beings as you put it in a spiritual realm.... .and their intelligence is much higher than our ..they were not created as robots . with out freewill and without feelings and or, love and compassion. And would not be able to work on their own initiative. with in the( boundaries) law of their God

2 naomi24 God made all the decisions 
Locusts, yes God made all the decisions yes but he also put the laws in place he did not put the laws in place just to be a statement of the imagination. The so celestial angels have their own code of conduct and rules to observe just like us on the earth. Where you could even say the law of the gravitate you would not jump out of a plane with out to parachute you know the law of gravity.
So we have rules on the earth which we obey and is a part of our daily life taking away the laws and what have we got.
Locusts,//this would have created a robot without feelings and with out freedom or love and compassion. And would not be able to work on these own initiative.//

No it wouldn’t. It would have created loyal beings capable of the good things you mention but without desire to defy God. Like Mary Poppins, ‘practically perfect in every way’. Same with human beings really. Why did God plant that tree within such easy reach, when with a little sensible forethought, it could all have been so different?

Vortex, //Hopefully, Naomi24 can explain if I have missed something here.//

I don’t think you’re missing anything.
^ phew! I thought I was going delerious ;-)
Delirious even!
Sure you don't mean hilarious? ;o)
That as well Naomi24 ;-)

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