TV4 mins ago
Homelessness In Britain
42 Answers
Have just watched a documentary about the increase in the number of people sleeping rough in our towns and cities. I think this is an absolute disgrace. In an affluent nation like the UK this should not happen. There is no excuse for it. Sure - there is a small minority for whom this is a lifestyle choice but for the vast majority it is not. I feel so sorry for these people. Surely much more can be done about it. Now for the bit that gets censored- I know a chap who works for a "government organisation" who liase with local councils to ensure that migrants from Syria etc are housed immediately they enter this country and sorted out with all benefits etc . Trust me - I am not making this up. Why are we doing this when we cannot even look after our own people ? And before the left wing liberal do-gooders jump all over me, I come from a Socialist Working Class background so please don't tell me I don't understand. If I could find a way to put this in the media, I would - but the authorities would no doubt find a way to deny it. What upsets me the most out of all this, is that the homeless just don't count, hardly anyone cares, and there is not the political will to tackle the issue. Please think about this as you retire to your warm bed this evening with the central heating on and an almost minimal chance of any harm coming to you as you sleep
If I knew what to do to help, I'd do it. I don't know what to do though.
21:23 Wed 25th Jan 2017
Clojo - it seems that under EU law, we have to give preferential treatment in respect of the thorny issue of housing migrants rather than concentrating on our own people. so that's why we should tell them to stick their EU where the sun don't shine - or am I being a bit thick here ? (Constructive comments only please )
SJ -sorry but that's really no excuse. What I am saying is that we have the wealth and the resources to make some impact upon this problem. The reality is this - not enough people are really that concerned. Thatcher rules again. "I'm alright Jack". I think the old witch was right - there really is no such thing as society - I'm not at all religious by the way - but the god-botherers do have one good saying - "there but for the grace of god go I"
I agree with you paddy, the truth is that many people do not know how good they have it here. We seem to think it's the end of the world if we can't afford sky tv or the latest I phone, oblivious to the fact there are people that are so cold they couldn't even use a mobile phone. It's a shame that all the billionaires couldn't give a few million to help these people. I know that once I am worth 700,000 I will be helping substantially more than I do now
SJ - are you deliberately being obtuse here ? What the hell has the higher wealth level of the San Francisco area got to do with it. Oh right I get it now (your second point) - they all have mental health issues - that's why they are homeless, So following on from this, the majority of homeless people in this country have mental health issues and that's why they are sleeping rough .The real issue is this, it's not what the cause of the problem is, it's the total lack of will to do anything about it. OK - we can't do anything about it - it's just the survival of the fittest - I give up on trying to interfere with your higher principles by trying to instill any basic instincts of humanity
You should should visit where I work,paddy. Mental health issues are quite apparent. Though it's all a bit " chicken and egg". Does homelessness cause mental health problems? Or do mental health issues cause the dependence on drugs,alchohol,inability to live with others,antisocial behaviour? It's certainly not all about money. You boulders build a model environment to house the homeless...but a large number of them would still reject that and continue in thd lifestyle they know.
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paddyk -This is an issue which I and Mr J2 care about hugely. There is a terrible stigma to being 'on the street' and homelessness can happen to anyone, through no fault of their own. We have both been within a brush-stroke of losing our security. In fact, there is a family member who is now faced with this possibility and we are fighting for her.
There is an organisation called 'The Hinge' in Bridlington - puts a roof over heads even temporarily - there must be sister organisations everywhere and I would urge people to support them as much as possible. Please think what it must be like to be out in the open tonight - perhaps your relationship
broke down or you were scared to be in your home. It almost happened to me in France. Be kind. :)
There is an organisation called 'The Hinge' in Bridlington - puts a roof over heads even temporarily - there must be sister organisations everywhere and I would urge people to support them as much as possible. Please think what it must be like to be out in the open tonight - perhaps your relationship
broke down or you were scared to be in your home. It almost happened to me in France. Be kind. :)
There's a guy down the road from here who is living in the bus stop. The locals have been really good to him and local businesses supply him with a place to shower, coffee and food. He is not short of company as people stop and talk to him when they walk past. The local community have been really good and probably prevent him from sinking into depression. After my Mum died, her house was empty for nearly a year and I did look into letting him spend the winter in her place but the insurance company made that possibility quite difficult. Apparently the man in the bus stop does not want help from the authorities. Homelessness is not as simple as people think