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Why Do Catholics

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FinnyMick | 10:19 Thu 24th Aug 2017 | Society & Culture
67 Answers
always like to let you know they are catholics ?


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Thank God,I'm an Atheist.!!
14:54 Thu 24th Aug 2017
In my experience, people's faith, or absence thereof, only arises in conversation about religion, which is fair enough. I don't ever find people dropping it into conversation unbidden, and I never do that either.
"I am a good Catholic girl". Isn't that the same as saying "I have a headache"?
Could be I have misunderstood the premise of the thread - we are now talking of marches are we, I understood it to mean announcing who you are in discussion etc.

I do miss my Trinity Sunday Walks.
It's not a religious thing, nor sexual or any other persuasion at all.
Some people feel the need to explain themselves upon meeting someone new..
I find that sad as I would rather discover what sort of person I think they are without them telling me how they see themselves.
if ever i met the pope i don't suppose it would matter if he mentioned it in passing
Cos we know best wine from plonk
I tell my Catholic mates the have been radicalised... and I'm probably not far wrong.
I can't think of one person who has let me know that they were catholic, unless that is we were discussing our own religious views.
[email protected] ..........I think you will find that Man City AFC was looked upon as the Protestant club and Man U was regarded as the Catholic one. However, Religion never came into the reckoning of what Faith players had in either team.

When my father was small he spent most of his time in Manchester with his Uncles - they all supported United as did most of the Irish community - same as Everton on merseyside
It just clears up early on why their walls and sometimes necks are adorned with an almost naked man nailed to a cross, saving any misunderstandings about foreplay, limits and safe words later.

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I like that Douglas
You have got to admit Finny .. you are really are using a broad brush when you come out with .. "Why do Catholics"
I always wait until someone commits a faux pas before I tell them I'm one
As I have said before scratch deep enough and theres a little bit of a bigot in all of us
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Mark as Best Answer

I always wait until someone commits a faux pas before I tell them I'm one
As I have said before scratch deep enough and theres a little bit of a bigot in all of us

15:42 Thu 24th Aug 2017

Are you implying that catholics are bigots ?
Ric.ror is correct, we're all bigots in some way or another. Of course we have people who shout BIGOT all the time but are blind to their own bigotry.
Thank God,I'm an Atheist.!!
Hail Mary !! ;0)
My goat's bigger than your goat.
I'd heard that Doug ! EEK !!

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