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Is It Weird That I Want To Start Tucking My T-Shirts Into My Jeans.

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Zack5454 | 03:13 Tue 03rd Oct 2017 | Society & Culture
26 Answers
I am a 22 year old guy and I want to start tucking in my t-shirts into my jeans. I know some people say that only dads tuck in their t-shirts or that it is weird, uncool, or nerdy. I never heard anybody that I know ever have a problem with it. A tucked in t-shirt can look weird but unlike what some people say it can look fine as long as you wear the right kind of t-shirt and pants. A nice belt can help too. I have a skinny body and I don't really have a belly either, plus I am short. I would rather look like a dad or a nerd than I would some thug who dresses like a hood and sags his pants and that is even more uncool than tucking in your t-shirt. People have their own opinions but I want to be able to dress the way that I want to and be who I am. I usually just wear t-shirts and I won't tuck them in unless I wear jeans cause with shorts it would just look really weird. It doesn't make you weird at all and it is nobody's business anyway. It is just way more comfortable with my shirt tucked in. at least for me it is. I like to have control over my shirt tails. Its easier to wear your shirt on the inside and keep it out of the way, so much easier to get to your pockets and you can show off your belt if you want. I like a t-shirt tucked into a nice pair of jeans and a belt if you want. Sometimes it looks better than leaving it out and its a simple way to clean up your whole look. I get tired of t-shirts just being left to flop around. Many guys in my generation don't really tuck in their t-shirts anymore, but i've always been kinda old fashioned and like some of the older styles and appreciated older ways. I just prefer my shirt tucked in over leaving it out, but I am having trouble with the confidence to be able to pull it off and feeling very self conscious about it. Some guys seem like they can't pull it off very well, while others can. I guess your body shape plays alot in how it looks too and what you look like in general. I am trying to find my own personal style and be who I am instead of following the norm and what everybody else does, cause I am not big on that. Some might think its weird that I like to tuck my t-shirts in but what it doesn't matter what other people think. Its my life so I should be able to do as I please. Sometimes I think that I was born into the wrong generation


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Just tuck your t shirt in if you want to. Or if you really do feel self conscious about it, wear a button down shirt which needs to be tucked in anyway.
The only thing that seems 'weird' to me is that anybody should actually be bothered by what others might think if they tuck their T-shirt into their jeans.

When I was your age (about 40 years ago) all of my friends wore sweatshirts, T-shirts, jeans and trainers but I always wore a collar and tie, with a sports jacket, slacks and formal shoes. I didn't even own a pair of jeans, or a pair of trainers (other than for playing sport in) until I was over 40. These days, now that I'm in my 60s, I find that many of my friends are wearing formal clothing, whereas I nearly always wear polo shirts, jeans and trainers. (I've only ever owned a handful of T-shirts in my life. I prefer shirts with collars, such as polo shirts or rugby shirts).

So I probably qualify as 'odd' (or even 'weird', if you like) in sartorial terms but I wore what I felt most comfortable in when I was in my 20s and I still wear what I feel most comfortable in now. I suggest that you should simply do the same.
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You'll be having braces on your underpants next.
Oh dear, reminds of the Spitting Image John Major and his shirt tucked into his Y-fronts, eating peas.
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Did you see it ozzy? Might be on YouTube somewhere. Very funny.
It was indeed jo.
First question from inactive aber no comment
Only fashion-nazis object to tucking in their t-shirts.
Be yourself and ignore others' daft dogma.
Just be yourself...........wear what you want to wear, how you want to wear it.
What I find weird is that you'd write an essay as a question for a matter that has miniscule significance in the general scene of things.
There's a waft of B S to this....
If other find the way you dress strange, that's their hard luck, your paying for your clothes wear what you want & sod them & their thoughts.
Waft ? Jus a waft ?
Do you suffer from sinus problems, Chill ?
Get a life!
Not using paragraphs is weirder.
*Scheme not scene.

Nasally pristine today, thanks OG! LOL
I think my situation is far worse, I considered buying a tank top last week ... a striped tank top

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