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New Year Message From Isis

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Khandro | 21:57 Fri 29th Dec 2017 | Society & Culture
34 Answers
“This message is for the brothers who are living among the kuffar [infidels]. Don’t you feel the pain of the Muslim brothers living in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Burma and Palestine? The prophet—sallaAllahu 'alayhi wa-sallam [blessings of Allah be upon him and peace]—said, ‘The kafir [infidel] and his killer will never be joined in the hellfire.’ Which means, killing a kafir is your ticket out of jahenim [hell].
“And lastly, know this, the Islamic State is here to stay. We’re going to fight and keep on fighting until we rule the whole world by the Sharia and this black banner of la ilaha illa Allah [There is no god but Allah.]"

Are you ready?


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I always thought it was figs, but figs or raisins, wouldn't tempt me to an early entrance to paradise. Anyway what about the female martyrs, have they got any virginal men to accommodate them?
Who would want one?
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I don't know what time it is over there but I fear you've opened the bottle or tinnies rather early.
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EDDIE51 // Apparently there is a problem with the supply of virgins. //

That is why they have taken to massacring children as they did in Manchester.
Not paradise for the virgins is it!
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I like the bit; 'sharia and this black banner of, "la ilaha illa Allah "'
To which, the correct reply surely is, "la la, la la, la la!".
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or even, "Ooh la la, la la"
Why are you spreading the IS message?
You are aiding terrorism.
They may wish to ponder on the fact that much of the pain of the Muslim brothers living in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Burma and Palestine is due to religious fanatics fighting for power & control, and other Muslim brothers in control. Destruction of Daesh would be one step along the path.
would be advisable to keep away from large New Year celebrations I think... big blocks to avoid massacre by vehicles in place in Edinburgh and a heavily armed and high profile police presence...
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Gromit; The mesage is supposed to strike terror into your very heart, but the battle against terrorism is not principally an ideological or religious one, it is now about fashion. Young Muslims are drawn, like young people throughout the ages, to excitement, rebellion and a desire to be “cool”. Terrorism must be defeated through the deliberate “toxification” of the isis brand; not by making it seem dangerous, but by exposing it as dumb. Daesh has to be ridiculed as the equivalent of a middle-aged dad at a school disco – enthusiastic, incompetent and excruciatingly uncool'.
That's why I say "Ooh la la" to their faux-machismo, - it drives them crazy. We need the courage for more cartoons.
This is the bit where Bruce Willis turns up and yells 'Yippee Kay-ay Mutha Fudger'' isn't it and then essentially the credits roll.
There have been terrorist groups around trying to terrorise ever since people existed, this lot will come and go like all the rest have and be replaced by other morons, it's that simple. I do find myself agreeing with Khandro, the media do us no favours by making this lot mad, bad and dangerous to know, it adds to their glamour for the easily influenced. They should be reported as they are which is a bunch of deluded, not very bright misfits who are doing anything but acting in the interests of Muslims generally, but equally I wouldn't be re-posting their drivel.

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